Tender Summary

Magiovinium Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM) Footpath & Associated Construction Works

Buying Organisation

Milton Keynes Council

Contract Value


Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

o Magiovinium Scheduled Monument (herein referred to as the Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM)) is the site of the Roman Town of Magiovinium and Roman Fort Scheduled Monument located to the south of Watling Street, which comprises buried remains of a Roman settlement and possible fort to the southeast of Milton Keynes. The site is an area of former agricultural land which has recently been improved for biodiversity and ongoing management is in place to manage for wildlife / biodiversity by Milton Keynes City Council (MKCC). The Monument is currently included on the Historic England Heritage at Risk Register due to previous agricultural ploughing practices. The Roman Town of Magiovinium is potentially of regional if not national significance primarily due to its largely undisturbed archaeological below-ground remains, and complexity of said Roman remains. Its location outside the modern town perimeter, limited access, and lack of immediately obvious above ground remains, prevents greater value being drawn from the asset at this time and further archaeological excavations may be instructed in the future to gain a better understanding of the value of this site.

o The SAM has been targeted by a number of illegal metal detectorists in recent years and it is unknown to what extent significant artifacts have been found and removed from the site. MKCC now have funding in place to formalise access and improve passive surveillance / security by installing an initial footpath connection and Kissing Gates. Historic England have approved a range of interventions including the installation of a surfaced footpath. The footpath in addition to providing vital passive surveillance of the SAM is identified as a key route required to enable residents of Eaton Leys to walk to Fenny Stratford and beyond.

o To construct and deliver a new footpath for Magivoinium SAM Area. These comprise of minimal excavations, but where necessary reprofiling the existing levels to suit the gradients of the proposed works. To supply and install Works (access, Compound Surface Treatments and associated works) as outlined in the contract information.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Horticultural services (CPV 77300000)
Agricultural buildings construction work (CPV 45213240)
Building construction work (CPV 45210000)
Construction work (CPV 45000000)
Prehistoric monument construction work (CPV 45212351)
Construction work for buildings relating to leisure, sports, culture, lodging and restaurants (CPV 45212000)


South East (UKJ)

Buyer Information

Milton Keynes Council

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