Tender Summary

Lone Worker Security - Mobile Application

Buying Organisation

St Barnabas Hospice

Contract Value


Tender Description

The Authority seek a supplier to provide a lone worker application solution and support services. The key objectives are:
(a) A software application solution that enables smartphones to be used as lone worker devices, must be accessible on all phones i.e. Android, IOS, Windows
(b) A supporting system that can track every user, store user details, where users are located, where they are going to, what their specialism is and what qualifications they have.
(c) Access to an emergency call centre that is manned 24/7.
(d) Ability for application to be available on personal devices as well as Authority provided devices

Tender categories (products & services required)

Software package and information systems (CPV 48000000)


East Midlands (UKF)

Buyer Information

St Barnabas Hospice

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