Tender Summary

Development of an online training for ICB staff: Managing conflicts of interest

Buying Organisation

NHS England

Contract Value


Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

The Authority is looking for a Supplier to develop an online 'managing conflicts of interests in the context of the new statutory framework' training course. It will be primarily aimed at ICB staff to train them to identify and manage real and perceived conflicts of interest, supporting effective and transparent decision-making by ICBs. It will also be accessible to NHSE staff to inform their work with ICBs.
The e-learning will consist of three modules:
Module 1 - Introduction to managing conflicts of interest outlining key principles and rules for managing conflicts of interest including advice on what to do in common situations
Module 2 focusing on managing conflicts of interest throughout the whole commissioning cycle, "procurement" (i.e. for non-clinical services, such as consultancy and supplies), and in recruitment processes and
Module 3 aimed specifically at decision-making for chairs of ICB boards and committees.

A full description of the requirement can be found in the ITQ document once suppliers have registered their interest.

Please note: the budget for this work is £30,000 exclusive of VAT.

Interested suppliers should register on the NHS England e-procurement system here: https://health-family.force.com/login

Once logged in click 'Find Opportunities' and search for 'Development of an online training for ICB staff: Managing conflicts of interest'
Click 'Register Interest'
Once you have registered your interest you will be able to view the Requirements and submit a response to the questions within the portal.
Any messages about the opportunity should be sent via the e-procurement system. You can do this by going to the home page and:
o Click on 'My proposals & Quotes'
o Click the relevant Project Title
o Click 'Messages' & 'New Message'

Tender categories (products & services required)

Health services (CPV 85100000)


North East (UKC)

Buyer Information

NHS England

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