Tender Summary

Parliamentary Monitoring Services

Buying Organisation

The Coal Authority

Contract Value


Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

The Coal Authority (client) is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero and our mission is to make a better future for people and the environment in mining areas.

The Coal Authority has a legal duty under the Coal Mining Subsidence Act 1991, to repair properties damaged by coal mining subsidence in the five coalfield regions. The works are funded by grant in aid from central government, in order that the Coal Authority can discharge its statutory duty.


A parliamentary monitoring service is required by the Coal Authority to give up to date, proactive and thorough insight into developments from the external political environment. This includes government policy, government plans and strategy, parliamentary activity of parliamentarians and general government business from the UK Government and the devolved administrations of the Scottish and Welsh parliaments.

The Coal Authority are therefore looking for an off the shelf package which can deliver on these key objectives.

1. Timeliness of alerts (Coal Authority mentions)
2. Daily updates and summaries
3. Delivery of training and refresher training
4. Access to technical support
5. Account management
6. The uptime/availability of the system.

This tender will be operated through our procurement portal Inbye with details on how to use in additional information.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Communication and multimedia software package (CPV 48500000)


United Kingdom (UK)

Buyer Information

The Coal Authority

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