Tender Summary

RBGKEW1297 - Learning Centre

Buying Organisation

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Contract Value


Tender Description

Thank you for your recent expression of interest in the forthcoming tender exercise for the provision of new construction works at The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
The Learning Centre will take account of the most recent
developments in learning to ensure it is an inspirational space
for users of all ages and appeals to a broader range of audience
than the current space
The fundamental client brief for the Learning Centre is to offer
new teaching spaces and facilities for learning but this is
qualified by the requirement for any new building delivered
within the current Kew masterplan to comply with the 2021-
2030 Manifesto for Change. This requires the building to
achieve the highest possible level of energy efficiency from the
building fabric and its services installation and for the
embodied carbon employed in the structure of the building to
be minimised and ideally repaid by the renewable energy
created by the building within its service lifespan.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Construction work (CPV 45000000)


London (UKI)

Buyer Information

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

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