Tender Summary

GB-Newcastle: T22/0106 - Mechanical Treadmill

Buying Organisation

Northumbri University at Newcastle

Contract Value

£100,000 to £500,000

Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

The University is looking to purchase a running machine to facilitate wheelchair/bicycles.

it is vital that the replacement treadmill can also offer a wheelchair + cycling module, aiding us in expanding research output and opportunities for working with external organisations in research and knowledge exchange. Havin this equipment also helps us to maintain our research-rich University reputation and support our bid to attain a Silver award in TEF by having cutting-edge facilities and equipment.

The successful supplier will be able to supply a product which can match our detailed requirements, is able to deliver the treadmill to the first floor, install the treadmill and provide initial training, as well as a custom removable ramp so wheelchair/bike users can mount the treadmill safely, and also provide custom, removable sideboards so staff can stand beside the runner on the treadmill to collect data. These should be 1m wide and placed at either sides of the treadmill.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Treadmills (CPV 37441100)


North East (UKC)

Buyer Information

Northumbri University at Newcastle

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