Tender Summary

22-295 - Rotherham Low Carbon Heat Network

Buying Organisation

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

Contract Value


Tender Description

This ITT is issued by RMBC ("the Council") in connection with the competitive procurement for technical enabling works and connection to a low carbon heat network, followed by the subsequent supply of heat to an initial 5 buildings within the Council's estate (namely Town Hall, Civic Theatre, Clifton Park Museum, Orchard Centre and Riverside House). The scope of this procurement does allow for the potential for the following additional buildings to be added to the network at a later date during the terms of this arrangement (Vine Close Boiler House (district heating residential supply), St Anns Boiler House (district heating residential supply), Beeversleigh Flats, Bailey House, Fusion Magna BIC, Eric Manns Building, Chatham Villas - Doncaster Gate, Clifton Park Garden Building and Centenary Market).

Tender categories (products & services required)

Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy (CPV 09000000)
Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy (CPV 09300000)
District heating (CPV 09323000)
District-heating mains construction work (CPV 45232140)


United Kingdom (UK)

Buyer Information

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

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