Tender Summary

AMCV 315 - Scheme Based Housing Support

Buying Organisation

Shropshire Council

Contract Value


Tender Description

Housing Support services will support people whose needs are such that their ability to maintain a tenancy or remain independent in their home would be compromised without that support. The focus of housing-related support will be on ensuring that people have access to appropriate and settled accommodation according to their circumstances and have the support networks in place to help them sustain that accommodation.
This contract will have two principal areas of focus:
Helping Service Users to access complementary services aimed at preventing, delaying or reducing the need for long-term formal care and support, including healthcare services.
Helping to prevent tenancy failure leading to homelessness
The total budget available is capped at 255,000 per annum and will be fixed for the duration of the contract(s). The duration of the contract(s) will be for an initial term of 3 years with an option to extend the contact by up to a further 2 years.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Health and social work services (CPV 85000000)


West Midlands (UKG)

Buyer Information

Shropshire Council

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