Tender Summary

Expressions of Interest: Licensing - Colonial Office Blue Books of Statistics

Buying Organisation

The National Archives

Contract Value


Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

The National Archives (TNA) is seeking expressions of interest from potential partners to digitise and to publish online various Colonial Office records relating to the colonial blue books of statistics and accompanying newspapers. The contract award would include a commercial licence to publish online digital images and associated metadata, and a requirement to undertake all the necessary activities to make that possible - including conservation, digital image capture, use of metadata to allow for meaningful searches of the records, and online publication.

This collection focuses on the statistical returns and data recorded for various British colonies. This data was recorded in large blue, bound volumes, and reported on a variety of subjects, including economic development, demographic data, and even ecclesiastical and public records. In addition to these volumes, the collection also covers a sample of colonial newspapers, supplementing the statistical data with insight into societal views and attitudes, providing further historical context.

Please note this is intended to be an income-generating contract in TNA's favour, with the appointed supplier delivering a royalty return to TNA. As such the contracted services are to be delivered at nil cost to TNA.

If this opportunity is of interest to you, please email us at procurement@nationalarchives.gov.uk by 5pm (UK time) on 21 July 2023.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security (CPV 79000000)
Education and training services (CPV 80000000)
Recreational, cultural and sporting services (CPV 92000000)
Other community, social and personal services (CPV 98000000)


United Kingdom (UK)

Buyer Information

The National Archives

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