Tender Summary

Slitter Equipment for UKBIC Flexible Industrialisation Line (FIL)

Buying Organisation

UK Battery Industrialisation Centre

Contract Value

£700,000 to £800,000

Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

This is a retender due to scope change, original notice (UBIC001-DN648650-11573400) was not awarded

The UKBIC Flexible Industrialisation Line is designed to allow staged scale-up of electrode manufacture from laboratory scale through to GWh scale on UKBIC's existing high-volume electrode lines. The project will be phased and in the first phase equipment will be purchased to allow scale-up of electrode processes from the Flexible Industrialisation Line to UKBIC's high-volume electrode lines. This will incorporate mixing process compatible with UKBIC's mainline process and coating and drying equipment which will take batches of slurry and convert them onto anode and cathode foils. Subsequent equipment will incorporate next generation electrode manufacturing processes, so solutions covering both scenarios are encouraged.

This new electrode capability will be supplemented by flexible equipment to Calender and slit the electrode reels allowing them to be converted into cells using the main UKBIC cylindrical and pouch cell assembly lines, or other flexible cell manufacturing equipment that may be installed during a later phase.

Slitting process equipment is required to allow UKBIC to process Anode and Cathode electrodes from its own in-house Coating and Calendering processes or from third party material produced external to UKBIC.

UKBIC currently has Slitting equipment in its Volume Industrialisation Line allowing for segregated Slitting of Anode and Cathode material however the size of the equipment is desired for Electrode Material at high levels of maturity and/or on a mass production scale. As a result, UKBIC is looking to install smaller equipment for customers at lower maturity level and allow for added flexibility and modularity as such that new/missing technologies from UKBICs Volume Industrialisation line can be used and proven.
The Slitting equipment will be installed in a new internal Clean Room facility to UKBIC and should allow for futureproofing with the known assumption of battery industry evolution and changes.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Industrial machinery (CPV 42000000)


North East (UKC)

Buyer Information

UK Battery Industrialisation Centre

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