Tender Summary

T23/01_ARU Mobile App

Buying Organisation

Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation

Contract Value


Tender Description

ARUs mobile App is currently used by students to engage with key university systems and provides an essential communications platform for ARU with our notifications and alerts and has a high engagement by students. During our busiest months (September and January) we often have over 20,000 individual students accessing the App, and high volumes of new user registrations across August/September each year. The App is an integral part of our students digital experience, and is a central hub able to represent the whole university digital experience (i.e. both their academic and cocurricular/extracurricular experience) with access to key systems through integrations and aggregation (rather than duplication) where appropriate.ARU is looking for a Mobile App software development company.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Software programming and consultancy services (CPV 72200000)


East (UKH)

Buyer Information

Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation

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