UK Horticultural Tenders
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Latest Horticultural Tenders
Provision of Estate Services at Franklands Park, Addlestone, KT15 1FG
...horticultural operations and emergency works as defined within the specification Snow Clearing and Gritting Grounds maintenance tasks associated with the maintenance of children's play areas Maintenance of grassland meadow area Maintenance of woodland area Drainage ditches requiring clearance Natural wetland areas Seasonal wetland areas It is...
Contract Value: £1,000,000 to £1,155,000
Buying Organisation: PA Housing Limited
536_25 Hire of Plant (without operator)
...Horticultural and Forestry Equipment Lot 19 - Pothole Repair Machines Lot 20 - Other Items The framework agreement has the option to extend for up to a further 24 months. The total estimated value stated includes the option period. ESPO shall obtain a credit score (determined...
Contract Value: £10,000,000
Buying Organisation: Espo
Waste Recycling and Treatment Services
...Horticultural Waste Waste collected from the Council's Landscape Maintenance operations, such as but not limited to, tree prunings Estimated Annual Tonnage is 700 Lot 5 - Hazardous Waste (Tyres) Various sized vehicle tyres Estimated Annual Tonnage is 9 Lot 6 - Skip Hire Public Places Provision...
Contract Value: £1,265,000
Buying Organisation: Halton Borough Council
Close Cleaning and Grounds Maintenance Services
...horticultural and environmental practice. All work shall consequently be carried out and timed in such a way as to leave the whole site in a well maintained and tidy condition at all times.
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Glasgow West Housing Association Limited
LPS CAS - Dynamic Purchasing System for Horticultural and Landscape Goods and Services - LCC42925
...Horticultural and Landscape Goods and Services "Initial Applications to join the DPS should be submitted before 12:00 Noon on 24/02/2025. Once the initial Application process has been completed, the DPS is permanently open to new Applicants who can apply at any time. Further information including details...
Contract Value: £4,000,000
Buying Organisation: Lancashire County Council
GB-LONDON: RBGKEW1394 - Landscape Conservation Management Plan
...horticultural research. In June 2010, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew commissioned a Landscape Conservation Management Plan (CMP) for the estate at Wakehurst Place comprising of the historic gardens, parkland and outlying woodlands. The CMP provided extensive background documentation with regards to the attributes of significance. It...
Contract Value: £25,000 to £50,000
Buying Organisation: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
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QQ24/025 Horticultural Tractors and associated Implements
Tamworth Borough Council is responsible for maintaining vast areas of both public land and public pathway vegetation. Whether this is recreational parks, nature fields or roadside verges the machinery we use needs to be efficient, reliable and cost-effective. Our current machinery is nearing the...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Tamworth Borough Council
Provision of Grounds Maintenance Nottinghamshire and Melton Mowbray
...horticultural operations and emergency works as defined within the specification o Snow Clearing and Gritting o Grounds maintenance tasks associated with the maintenance of children's play areas The selected Supplier will enter into a Contract in accordance with the JCT Measured Term Contract (2016) published by...
Contract Value: £200,000 to £250,000
Buying Organisation: PA Housing Limited
York Green Streets - Street sites
...horticultural and arboricultural practices. Tree planting shall be carried out during the dormant season. No tree planting shall be carried out during unsuitable weather conditions. The Contractor shall supply all materials necessary for the planting of trees unless otherwise directed by the Client Manager.
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: City of York Council
York Green Streets 2024/25 - Public Open Space tree planting
...horticultural and arboricultural practices. Tree planting shall be carried out during the dormant season. No tree planting shall be carried out during unsuitable weather conditions. The Contractor shall supply all materials necessary for the planting of trees unless otherwise directed by the Client Manager.
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: City of York Council
CPU6260 Greenspace Consumables and Materials DPS
...horticultural supplies, compost, fertilizer, aggregates Lot 5 - Supply of Trees & Shrubs
Contract Value: £2,026,327
Buying Organisation: Nottingham City Council
Horticultural Supply - Horticultural Supply - Plant Material
Draft Ecology report for Tottenham Cemetery as per Instruction from Annabel Foskett (Nature Conservation Manager) This opportunity has been distributed on...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
Horticultural Supply - Horticultural Supply - Plant Material
Draft Ecology report for Tottenham Cemetery as per Instruction from Annabel Foskett (Nature Conservation Manager) This opportunity has been distributed on...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
LB Hillingdon. Provision of a grounds maintenance, landscaping and horticultural contract
The London Borough is seeking to appoint experienced grounds maintenance service provider to help deliver various ground maintenance services alongside the existing in -house provision at Hillingdon. The expected services under the contract will be, but not limited to. - Maintaining the Public...
Contract Value: £921,000
Buying Organisation: London Borough of Hillingdon
LB Hillingdon. Provision of a grounds maintenance, landscaping and horticultural contrac
The London Borough is seeking to appoint experienced grounds maintenance service provider to help deliver various ground maintenance services alongside the existing in -house provision at Hillingdon. The expected services under the contract will be, but not limited to; Maintaining the Public Rights...
Contract Value: £921,000
Buying Organisation: London Borough of Hillingdon
Horticultural Supply - Horticultural Supply - Plant Material
Draft Ecology report for Tottenham Cemetery as per Instruction from Annabel Foskett (Nature Conservation Manager) This opportunity has been distributed on...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
Grounds Maintenance Equipment Servicing & Repair
...horticultural plant and equipment, including but not limited to, pedestrian mowers, ride on mowers, strimmer's, hedge cutters and trailers and Gang Mowers. SCC requires servicing, repair and maintenance including but not limited to, winter servicing, breakdown response and HAVs and Noise level testing and certification, Servicing,...
Contract Value: £432,283
Buying Organisation: Southampton City Council
Grounds Maintenance Equipment Servicing & Repair
...horticultural plant and equipment, including but not limited to, pedestrian mowers, ride on mowers, strimmer's, hedge cutters and trailers and Gang Mowers. SCC requires servicing, repair and maintenance including but not limited to, winter servicing, breakdown response and HAVs and Noise level testing and certification, Servicing,...
Contract Value: £432,283
Buying Organisation: Southampton City Council
Roadmap to a peat-free future for British fresh produce
...horticultural use in 2020 were 0.049 MtCO2e for England and 0.36 MtCO2e for the UK. However, over 60% of the peat used is imported. Emissions from imported peat apply to the country of origin, so the overall greenhouse gas footprint is larger. The government's net zero...
Contract Value: £25,000
Buying Organisation: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
Grounds maintenance for Salvation Army Housing Association
...Horticultural maintenance - hedge cutting, maintenance of shrub beds and borders, planting and maintenance of summer bedding.- General works - weed, moss and algae control on hard and soft areas and litter picking.
Contract Value: £30,000
Buying Organisation: Salvation Army Housing Association
Grounds maintenance for Salvation Army Housing Association
...Horticultural maintenance hedge cutting, maintenance of shrub beds and borders, planting and maintenance of summer bedding. - General works weed, moss and algae control on hard and soft areas and litter picking.
Contract Value: £906,000
Buying Organisation: Salvation Army Housing Association
...horticultural maintenance requirements throughout the village, which includes: Merriman Park Note: Merriman Park is owned by Street Parish Council and managed by the Merriman Park Community Group (MPCG). Street Skatepark Note: Street Skatepark is owned by Street Parish Council. Strode Road Allotments Note: Strode Road Allotments...
Contract Value: £50,000
Buying Organisation: Street Parish Council
Provision of Grounds Maintenance Services
...horticultural and maintenance tasks relating to the management of these spaces. The tender is advertised via The Chest, if you are not already registered on the portal the help you need to get started can be found here All details are in the documents within...
Contract Value: £2,000,000
Buying Organisation: Westmorland and Furness Council
Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations
Where Do I Find Horticultural Tenders?
We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Horticultural Tenders:
- PA Housing Limited
- Espo
- Halton Borough Council
- Glasgow West Housing Association Limited
- Lancashire County Council
- Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
- Tamworth Borough Council
- City of York Council
- Nottingham City Council
- London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
- London Borough of Hillingdon
- Southampton City Council
- Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
- Salvation Army Housing Association
- Street Parish Council
- Westmorland and Furness Council
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