UK Administrative Social Services Tenders

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Latest Administrative Social Services Tenders

Adult Community Support and Enablement Service

Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (the Council), is looking to establish a five-year open flexible framework for the provision of independent housing-based enablement support. The service covers a wide range of support needs for everyday tasks, personal care, managing budgets, maintaining...

Contract Value: £62,279,285

Buying Organisation: Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council

Tender Category: Administrative social services

Market Engagement Event for the Provision of Independent Reviewers and Assessors

The City of Doncaster Council is seeking to establish a Flexible Procurement System (FPS) for the Provision of Independent Assessors and Reviewers. It is intended to appoint a number of providers to each lot on the FPS who will be available for call off as required. There are seven lots that are...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: City of Doncaster Council

Tender Category: Administrative social services

PQ0575 - Mental Health & Wellbeing Promotion Programme

The Council requires a supplier for the development and delivery of the Mental Health & Wellbeing Promotion Programme 2025. The Mental Health & Wellbeing Promotion Programme seeks to address mental health literacy by focusing on the mental health and wellbeing experiences and support...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Birmingham City Council

Tender Category: Administrative social services

Adopted Adults Peer Group Project

Adoption South East is the Regional Adoption Agency providing adoption services to Surrey, East Sussex, West Sussex and Brighton & Hove local authorities. Included within the work we are commissioned to provide for these local authorities are services for adopted adults who are over 18 years...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: East Sussex County Council

Tender Category: Administrative social services

DCAF - Scotland's Adoption Register workers to share information about children who have a plan for adoption with approved adopters in Scotland.

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Scottish Government

Tender Category: Administrative social services

Older People Day Opportunity Services (Market Engagement)

Westminster City Council and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea aims to provide a wide range of services to meet the changing needs of residents as they age. The goal is to optimise support for older residents, ensuring they have access to what they want and opportunities that enhance...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Westminster City Council

Tender Category: Administrative social services

Enjoy valuable new tenders every week

1094 Victim Satisfaction Survey Wiltshire

Provision for the delivery of a victim feedback service for Wiltshire Police. This service supports the delivery of the Wiltshire Police and Crime Plan, particularly improving the experience of victims and delivering...

Contract Value: £90,000

Buying Organisation: Wiltshire Police

Tender Category: Administrative social services

Partnership Board Administration, Development and Support (PADS)

...administrative support to minute and facilitate these discussions. The service will empower people accessing services to voice their options, shape and influence said services and to provide feedback directly to members. This service will align with Thurrock's overarching Integrated Care Strategy, A Case for Further Change's...

Contract Value: £198,926

Buying Organisation: Thurrock Council

Tender Category: Administrative social services

BHCC EB - Healthwatch 2025 - AWARD enterprise as defined by the legislation. The Council is conducting a two-stage procedure under the Light touch regime in order to appoint a suitable Supplier, in accordance with Regulation 76 of the Regulations. Stage One comprises of Information Only questions and Pass/Fail questions. Bidders successful...

Contract Value: £880,000 to £890,000

Buying Organisation: BHCC Communities Equalities and Third Sector

Tender Category: Administrative social services

BHCC EB - Healthwatch 2025 enterprise as defined by the legislation. The Council is conducting a two-stage procedure under the Light touch regime in order to appoint a suitable Supplier, in accordance with Regulation 76 of the Regulations. Stage One comprises of Information Only questions and Pass/Fail questions. Bidders successful...

Contract Value: £880,000 to £890,000

Buying Organisation: BHCC Communities Equalities and Third Sector

Tender Category: Administrative social services

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Assessments

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)...

Contract Value: £549,945

Buying Organisation: Lancashire County Council

Tender Category: Administrative social services

Financial Support services

Warwickshire County Council is seeking either a single provider or partnership bid to deliver Financial Advocacy services across Warwickshire. This model will consist of tiered model of financial support to enable the Local Authority to meet statutory obligations outlined in the Care Act 2014 and...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Shared Service (CSW)

Tender Category: Administrative social services

Oxford to Cambridge Pan-Regional Partnership International Investment Prospectus new call for Investment Opportunities selection

Oxford to Cambridge Pan-Regional Partnership International Investment Prospectus new call for Investment Opportunities...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Cherwell District Council

Tender Category: Administrative social services

COV - Healthwatch Coventry Service and Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service

...Social Enterprise but can deliver the service via a 'Hosted Model' (Hosted Model is where an organisation runs a Healthwatch Service as well as providing other services) or a 'standalone Model', where the organisation is set up solely to run a specific Healthwatch service and a...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Coventry City Council (COV)

Tender Category: Administrative social services

Healthwatch Coventry Service and Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service

...Social Enterprise but can deliver the service via a 'Hosted Model' (Hosted Model is where an organisation runs a Healthwatch Service as well as providing other services) or a 'Standalone Model', where the organisation is set up solely to run a specific Healthwatch service and a...

Contract Value: £888,220

Buying Organisation: Coventry City Council

Tender Category: Administrative social services

Single Person Discount Review Services

Contract for the full-scale review of Single Person Discounts currently in award and verify eligibility using external data and processes. The service will include fully managed penalty administration. This Contract is awarded via Direct Award through Lot 5 of CCS Framework...

Contract Value: £28,750

Buying Organisation: Peterborough City Council

Tender Category: Administrative social services

PME4033 - Soft Market Testing for Independent Advocacy, Mental Health Advocacy and Independent Visitors

This pre-market sounding exercise is being undertaken by Walsall Council in order to determine market interest for provision of an Independent Advocacy, Mental Health Advocacy and Independent Visitor provision for Walsall Children in Care and Children in Need. Providers who express interest at this...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Walsall Council e-Tendering

Tender Category: Administrative social services

Services for integration support for Afghan refugees resettled under the ARAP and ACRS resettlement schemes

A tender for the supply/provision of Integration support for Afghan refugees resettled under the ARAP and ACRS resettlement schemes. This is a requirement to provide 3 years integration support to any Afghan resettling in the...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: West Berkshire

Tender Category: Administrative social services

Services for integration support for Afghan refugees resettled under the ARAP and ACRS resettlement schemes

A tender for the supply/provision of Integration support for Afghan refugees resettled under the ARAP and ACRS resettlement schemes. This is a requirement to provide 3 years integration support to any Afghan resettling in the...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: West Berkshire District Council

Tender Category: Administrative social services

Advocacy Service

To waive the contract for a period of 9 months to enable the successful recommissioning and re-tender of service. It has been established after completion of the pre-procurement preparatory commissioning works that the scope and complexity of the contract has changed significantly. Due to this it...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: City of Doncaster Council

Tender Category: Administrative social services

Adult Services Technology for Independence project

Swindon Borough Council (SBC) invites expression of interest from suitably qualified and experienced service providers for the provision of goods and services to deliver the Adult Services Technology for Independence project. The aim of the work is to provide people with more choice, independence...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Swindon Borough Council

Tender Category: Administrative social services

HCC02/24- Provision of Countywide Housing Advocacy for Victims of Domestic Abuse

THIS CONTRACT HAS NOW BEEN AWARDED TO: REFUGE 2024/S 000-019017 Hertfordshire County Council (the 'Council') acting as lead commissioner on behalf of District funding partners wishes to procure a countywide housing advocacy service to support victims and survivors of domestic abuse who...

Contract Value: £600,000 to £750,000

Buying Organisation: Hertfordshire County Council - Adult Care Services

Tender Category: Administrative social services

Market Engagement Questionnaire for Universal Family Behaviour Change Academic Evaluation

Hampshire County Council (HCC) is seeking an academic provider to design and implement a mixed methodology theory-based evaluation of a complex Public Health intervention: a preventative Universal Family Behaviour Change programme (UFBC). The pilot programme has been commissioned to support...

Contract Value: Unknown


Tender Category: Administrative social services

Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations

Where Do I Find Administrative Social Services Tenders?

We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Administrative Social Services Tenders:

  • Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
  • City of Doncaster Council
  • Birmingham City Council
  • East Sussex County Council
  • Scottish Government
  • Westminster City Council
  • Wiltshire Police
  • Thurrock Council
  • BHCC Communities Equalities and Third Sector
  • Lancashire County Council
  • Shared Service (CSW)
  • Cherwell District Council
  • Coventry City Council (COV)
  • Coventry City Council
  • Peterborough City Council
  • Walsall Council e-Tendering
  • West Berkshire
  • West Berkshire District Council
  • Swindon Borough Council
  • Hertfordshire County Council - Adult Care Services

How Do I Bid for Administrative Social Services Tenders?

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