UK Angiography Devices Tenders

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Latest Angiography Devices Tenders

Angiography & Hybrid Theatre Equipment and Related Services

...angiography equipment and related managed services, including outsourced services and mobile cath labs. Tenders have now been evaluated and awarded per this contract award notice. Contract document remains the same as advertised in the Contract Notice and the awarded suppliers' details are included in this notice....

Contract Value: £5,000,000,000

Buying Organisation: NHS Supply Chain

Tender Category: Angiography devices

NHS Supply Chain Operated by Supply Chain Coordination Ltd (SCCL)

...Angiography Diagnostic Equipment and associated accessories, including but not limited to imaging Systems, Cath Lab Tools, and Specialized Diagnostic Software. Additionally, the scope of the agreement covers related services essential to the operation and maintenance of the equipment, such as comprehensive Managed Services to support lifecycle...

Contract Value: £600,000,000

Buying Organisation: NHS Supply Chain

Tender Category: Angiography devices

Angiography and Hybrid Capital Equipment and Services

...Angiography Diagnostic Equipment and associated accessories, including but not limited to imaging Systems, Cath Lab Tools, and Specialized Diagnostic Software. Additionally, the scope of the agreement covers related services essential to the operation and maintenance of the equipment, such as comprehensive Managed Services to support lifecycle...

Contract Value: £600,000,000

Buying Organisation: NHS Supply Chain Operated by Supply Chain Coordination Ltd (SCCL)

Tender Category: Angiography devices

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Provision of Cardiac Cath Lab Managed Service

We have 5 cardiac cath labs at Hammersmith which are managed under contract by an external provider until 31st October 2023. We are currently considering options for the future provision of cath lab services beyond this date so intend to engage with the market via formal preliminary market...

Contract Value: £160,000,000

Buying Organisation: Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Tender Category: Angiography devices

Where Do I Find Angiography Devices Tenders?

We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Angiography Devices Tenders:

  • NHS Supply Chain
  • NHS Supply Chain Operated by Supply Chain Coordination Ltd (SCCL)
  • Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

How Do I Bid for Angiography Devices Tenders?

The UK tender bidding process has been greatly simplified - especially for SMEs. Join us and your account includes the latest guides, articles, and white papers on best practise for bidding, and proven tips to improve win rates. The UK tender bidding process has been greatly simplified - especially for SMEs. Join us and your account includes the latest guides, tips, and white papers on best practise for creating successful bids for Angiography Devices Tenders.


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