Supplier Profile - Churchill Services
13 tenders awarded to Churchill Services
Most recent tenders won by Churchill Services
NUNCON - Effective Control of Legionella within Council's Communal Housing & Corporate Property Site Water Assets
Contract Value: Unknown
St John the Baptist Junior School Meals Tender commencing 1st April 2022
St John the Baptist Junior School Meals Tender commencing 1st April 2022
Contract Value: Unknown
Ashington: Cleaning and sanitation services
Ashington: Cleaning and sanitation services
Contract Value: £680,000
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Churchill Services has won tenders with the following tender categories:
- Non-drinking water
- Water-treatment work
- School catering services
- School meals
- School-meal services
- Cleaning and sanitation services
- School cleaning services
- Catering services
- Canteen and catering services
- Catering services for other enterprises or other institutions
- Building-cleaning services
- Accommodation, building and window cleaning services
- Cleaning services