UK Community Action Programme Tenders
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Latest Community Action Programme Tenders
Adult Community Support and Enablement Service Framework in terms of appointments and activities. The service providers on the framework will support a wide range of needs which overall reduces the requirement for residential care. The framework will be in place for a total of five years, during which time providers may apply...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Tender Category: Community action programme
Adult Community Support and Enablement Service in terms of appointments and activities.The service providers on the framework will support a wide range of needs which overall reduces the requirement for residential care. The framework is split into Tiers that bidders may apply for: Tier 1 - Standard Support Tier 2 Complex...
Contract Value: £62,279,285
Buying Organisation: Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Tender Category: Community action programme
Alternative Provision Dynamic Purchasing System - Sheffield
Sheffield City Council is seeking Providers who deliver a form of Alternative Provision or other equivalent or similar form of off-site education service for children and young people. The value of this tender has been advertised in anticipation of changing the period of validity of the DPS in the...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Sheffield City Council
Tender Category: Community action programme
Warwickshire County Council (the Council) is seeking to commission providers to deliver day opportunity services to Warwickshire residents aged 65 and over without a diagnosis of dementia and for residents aged 18 and over with a diagnosis of dementia. The Council are seeking to commission...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Warwickshire County Council (WCC)
Tender Category: Community action programme
WCC - Specialist Hoarding Services
Warwickshire County Council (the Council) is seeking to commission a single provider for a Specialist Hoarding Support Service. The aim of the service is to provide holistic, personalised, trauma-informed and strength-based support to people with hoarding behaviour and promote long term solutions...
Contract Value: £70,000 to £350,000
Buying Organisation: Warwickshire County Council (WCC)
Tender Category: Community action programme
The Council is tendering a contract for a Supported Employment Service For Young People And Adults The full scope as outlined in the specification. The service will be aimed at young people aged 16-25 Years with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or those Not in Education, Training or...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: West Berkshire Council
Tender Category: Community action programme
Enjoy valuable new tenders every week
T24-191BUS PEACEPLUS Fit For Purpose Reissue activity. Soccer is an excellent vehicle for this as it can provide positive role models and engagement, but yet, as with other sports, soccer has also faced issues round sectarianism, racism and prejudice. Locally, in the co-design process it was noted that local senior football...
Contract Value: £79,500
Buying Organisation: Derry City and Strabane District Council
Tender Category: Community action programme
T24-163BUS PEACEPLUS Our Journey To Peace Reissue volunteering. The co-design process identified the Moor DEA, which includes the Fountain/Bogside interface, as being an area of complex history, but also an area with significant cultural and community tourism assets. The Journey To Peace project will allow adult participants (primarily adult residents) to explore...
Contract Value: £96,000
Buying Organisation: Derry City and Strabane District Council
Tender Category: Community action programme
Sheffield City Council (the Council), Children Services seeks to establish the provision of a range of services with the aim of improving care leavers' emotional health and wellbeing. The service will a time-limited intervention for 12 hours per person, targeting young people aged 17-26, to be...
Contract Value: £135,000
Buying Organisation: Sheffield City Council
Tender Category: Community action programme
Sheffield City Council (the Council), Children Services seeks to establish the provision of a range of services with the aim of improving care leavers' emotional health and wellbeing. The service will a time-limited intervention for 12 hours per person, targeting young people aged 17-26, to be...
Contract Value: £135,000
Buying Organisation: Sheffield City Council
Tender Category: Community action programme
London Heritage Engagement Strategy Pilot - Phase III input so that it can shape local and strategic policy and decision making. It will also identify ideas and projects for proactive heritage management in the future. The LHES looks to address the heritage-related requirements in the London Plan and has been developed with key...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Historic England
Tender Category: Community action programme
ESCC - NR - RFQ - East Sussex Tobacco and Alcohol Behavioural Insights
East Sussex Public Health intends to commission a service provider to conduct tobacco and alcohol behavioural insights research with key groups in East Sussex. The deadline to submit your bid is 18/11/2024 at 11:59am. To access the tender documents and instructions on how to submit your bid, please...
Contract Value: £120,000
Buying Organisation: East Sussex County Council
Tender Category: Community action programme
Ageing Well Provision of Services across Mid Ulster April 2025 to March 2030
...Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) Northern Health and Social Care Trust (NHSCT) Public Health Agency (PHA) Southern Health and Social Care Trust (SHSCT) seeks a single tender for all parts of the contract from: a single provider, or consortium bid from a...
Contract Value: £260,000
Buying Organisation: Mid Ulster District Council
Tender Category: Community action programme
To recruit social care staff to children's homes in...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: City of Doncaster Council
Tender Category: Community action programme
Community Builders will "walk the streets" in the four Localities of the city and undertake strength-based conversations with residents, they will become a familiar and trusted person by residents, local businesses and organisations. They will identify community connectors who can also have these conversations in their...
Contract Value: £195,000
Buying Organisation: Southend City Council
Tender Category: Community action programme
Community Builders will walk the streets in the four Localities of the city and undertake strength-based conversations with residents, they will become a familiar and trusted person by residents, local businesses and organisations. They will identify community connectors who can also have these conversations in their...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Southend City Council
Tender Category: Community action programme
Adur and Worthing Councils are inviting expressions of interest for innovative infrastructure support services for the Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector. The new contract, valued at £180k over three years, will begin in July 2025, with a focus on transition, resilience,...
Contract Value: Unknown
Tender Category: Community action programme
Engagement with Dad's is a key element of the Family Hub and Start for Life programme as they are an underserved cohort that have the potential to impact the outcomes of their children more positively. There are various reasons for lack of engagement from Dad's that are being explored through...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: City of Doncaster Council
Tender Category: Community action programme
...Community Out-reach, Expert Patient Programme (EPP) LTC self-management and Pentathlon healthy lifestyle Programme in Croydon. This market engagement exercise seeks the views and opinions of those organisations that may be interested in delivering the Services as outlined in the draft service specification document. This exercise and...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: N H S Shared Business Services
Tender Category: Community action programme
BT157 - Ernest Harriss Community Hub
...Community Hub in Westminster and have awarded to co-create, finish and complete the fit-out. Our ambition is that this creates a welcoming, inclusive and creative space, encouraging participation, providing support and empowering communities with knowledge and skills. - A Community Hub set of spaces co-created with...
Contract Value: £99,999
Buying Organisation: Westminster City Council
Tender Category: Community action programme
BT157 - Ernest Harriss House Community Hub
...Community Hub in Westminster and we are looking for a supplier who will work with the Council and the community to co-create, finish and complete the fit-out. Our ambition is that this creates a welcoming, inclusive and creative space, encouraging participation, providing support and empowering communities...
Contract Value: £99,999
Buying Organisation: Westminster City Council
Tender Category: Community action programme
Social Firms Advocate for Learning Difficulties & Disabilities, Neurodiversity and/or Autism
The service is designed to support the foundation and development of social firms in Sheffield, with the specific purpose of providing quality, sustainable employment opportunities for residents who have LDD, Neurodiversity and/or...
Contract Value: £111,826
Buying Organisation: Sheffield City Council
Tender Category: Community action programme setting. People living in an extra care facility will expect to receive a level of support which is higher, or more flexible than would be provided in their own homes, but lower than would be provided in a residential or nursing care home. Full details...
Contract Value: £5,500,000
Buying Organisation: Caerphilly County Borough Council
Tender Category: Community action programme
Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations
Where Do I Find Community Action Programme Tenders?
We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Community Action Programme Tenders:
- Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
- Sheffield City Council
- Warwickshire County Council (WCC)
- West Berkshire Council
- Derry City and Strabane District Council
- Historic England
- East Sussex County Council
- Mid Ulster District Council
- City of Doncaster Council
- Southend City Council
- N H S Shared Business Services
- Westminster City Council
- Caerphilly County Borough Council
How Do I Bid for Community Action Programme Tenders?
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