UK Construction Work for Dams Canals Irrigation Channels and Aqueducts Tenders
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Latest Construction Work for Dams Canals Irrigation Channels and Aqueducts Tenders
Gentoo Office Refurbishment Programme - 2025 to take around six - eight weeks to complete. The budget for the works is largely undetermined at this stage, but is envisaged to be in the region of £750,000 excluding VAT. Providers are to note that Gentoo Group reserve the right to remove the...
Contract Value: £750,000
Buying Organisation: Gentoo Group
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
Hampshire County Council are overlaying existing sections of towpath, repairing banks and replacing life expired concrete at the western end of the Basingstoke...
Contract Value: £40,941 to £40,950
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
Repair works to the dam at Sherwood Lake specialist to carry out the works required to repair the dam at Sherwood Lake, based on the specification within the tender pack from Frankham's. Tenderers interested in the opportunity must register their interest via the Kent Business Portal (Registration is free). Once you have expressed...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Tunbridge Wells Borough Council
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
Basingstoke Canal Authority - Repair of canal banks (Embayment's) across Hampshire
The purpose of the scheme is to repair small embayment's and bank defects that have developed over time and are at the point of risking intrusion into the towpath or pose a future risk to the integrity of a raised...
Contract Value: £29,580 to £30,000
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
Enjoy valuable new tenders every week
National Trust - NI - Provision of services to repair a collapsed breach in a sea wall
Anne's Point was the first managed coastal realignment project in Northern Ireland (NI). It involved breaching the sea wall at two locations to allow tidal flow in and out of the area of reclaimed land. The works were carried out around 15 years ago, but unfortunately one of the breaches has since...
Contract Value: £100,000
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
Roof renewal to kitchen and canteen dining flat roofs (Roofs G & I only) and mechanical ventilation works Bidders must be able to demonstrate membership of Constructionline or...
Contract Value: £180,000
Buying Organisation: Harris Federation
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
Ashby Canal Reed Bed Restoration and Bore Hole Pump Replacement
Leicestershire County Council (LCC) operate a pump and reed bed to replenish the Ashby canal during dry weather conditions. Water is pumped from old mine workings to the reed bed where it is cleansed before entering the canal via a pipe. The reed bed is located in the Council owned Donisthorpe...
Contract Value: £500,000
Buying Organisation: Leicestershire County Council
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
Ashby Canal Reed Bed Restoration and Bore Hole Pump Replacement
Leicestershire County Council (LCC) operate a pump and reed bed to replenish the Ashby canal during dry weather conditions. Water is pumped from old mine workings to the reed bed where it is cleansed before entering the canal via a pipe. The reed bed is located in the Council owned Donisthorpe...
Contract Value: £500,000
Buying Organisation: Leicestershire County Council
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
Ashby Canal Reed Bed Restoration and Bore Hole Pump Replacement
Leicestershire County Council (LCC) operate a pump and reed bed to replenish the Ashby canal during dry weather conditions. Water is pumped from old mine workings to the reed bed where it is cleansed before entering the canal via a pipe. The reed bed is located in the Council owned Donisthorpe...
Contract Value: £500,000
Buying Organisation: Leicestershire County Council
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts quality, speed, capacity and environmental impact. CHIC does though recognise that different solutions are needed for certain projects, so this Framework is intended to give members options to select the most appropriate 'route to market' for their projects whilst supporting and promoting MMC. The Framework...
Contract Value: £3,200,000,000
Buying Organisation: Communities and Housing Investment Consortium Limited
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
PRO004736-Works-Framework-Build Only of assets in the following 2 Lots: Lot 1 - Non-Infrastructure Lot 2 - Infrastructure In total up to 17 framework agreements will be awarded, 7 for Lot 1, and 10 for Lot 2 respectively. Projects will be awarded via NEC4 based call-off contracts. The...
Contract Value: £6,000,000,000
Buying Organisation: United Utilities Water Limited
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
PRO004683-Works-Framework-Construction Delivery Partners
...Construction Delivery Partner (CDP) frameworks will form the Design and Build delivery runway within the model. This framework will support early solution design through early contractor involvement, assure constructability and ultimately drive increased value through the full project lifecycle. The framework scope is for Project Management,...
Contract Value: £5,500,000,000
Buying Organisation: United Utilities Water Limited
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
North Warnborough sluice installation and associated works. Site establishments and overheads. Install and maintain temporary dam to isolate works. Remove all existing apparatus and mechanical equipment. Install new sluice gates and stop plank arrangement, ensure reconfigured grille is adequately...
Contract Value: £28,099 to £28,100
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
SCAPE Utilities Works and Services framework - EWNI and infrastructure works and services as defined by the NUTS and CPV codes contained in this notice.
Contract Value: £3,000,000,000
Buying Organisation: Scape Procure Limited (trading as SCAPE)
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
SCAPE Utilities Works and Services framework - Scotland and infrastructure works and services as defined by the NUTS and CPV codes contained in this notice. Applications are welcome from principal contractors as well as consortia or joint ventures. Such parties must form a single legal entity to contract with prior to contract award,...
Contract Value: £1,000,000,000
Buying Organisation: Scape Procure Scotland Ltd
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
Addition of no-return valves and access walkways to drop board sluices on small (2-3m width) dykes at Woodwalton Fen NNR. Works to be carried out September-November 2023. Due to very high conservation value of the site works must be undertaken in an extremely ecologically sensitive...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Natural England
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
Addition of no-return valves and access walkways to drop board sluices on small (2-3m width) dykes at Woodwalton Fen NNR. Works to be carried out September-November 2023. Due to very high conservation value of the site works must be undertaken in an extremely ecologically sensitive...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Natural England
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts quality, speed, capacity and environmental impact. CHIC does though recognise that different solutions are needed for certain projects, so this Framework is intended to give members options to select the most appropriate 'route to market' for their projects whilst supporting and promoting MMC. The Framework...
Contract Value: £3,200,000,000
Buying Organisation: Communities and Housing Investment Consortium Limited
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts quality, speed, capacity and environmental impact. CHIC does though recognise that different solutions are needed for certain projects, so this Framework is intended to give members options to select the most appropriate 'route to market' for their projects whilst supporting and promoting MMC. The Framework...
Contract Value: £3,200,000,000
Buying Organisation: Communities and Housing Investment Consortium Limited
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
Stage 2 for Strumpshaw - extension of the outflow pipe and backfilling of the drainage channel
The drainage channel at Strumpshaw Engine House provides the outflow for the pump which is required to be in working order. The brick and block channel is in a poor condition and has partially collapsed, being supported by sandbags at present. This tender will be for the extension of the outflow...
Contract Value: £20,000 to £30,000
Buying Organisation: Broads Authority
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
Stage 1 Strumpshaw Engine House repair of the drainage channel
The drainage channel at Strumpshaw Engine House provides the outflow for the pump which is required to be in working order. The brick and block channel is in a poor condition and has partially collapsed, being supported by sandbags at present. The repair of the channel will be the first part of a...
Contract Value: £20,000 to £30,000
Buying Organisation: Broads Authority
Tender Category: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations
Where Do I Find Construction Work for Dams Canals Irrigation Channels and Aqueducts Tenders?
We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Construction Work for Dams Canals Irrigation Channels and Aqueducts Tenders:
- Gentoo Group
- Tunbridge Wells Borough Council
- Harris Federation
- Leicestershire County Council
- Communities and Housing Investment Consortium Limited
- United Utilities Water Limited
- Scape Procure Limited (trading as SCAPE)
- Scape Procure Scotland Ltd
- Natural England
- Broads Authority
How Do I Bid for Construction Work for Dams Canals Irrigation Channels and Aqueducts Tenders?
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