UK Dairy Products Tenders
Total Tenders publishes tenders from over 4000 UK companies and organisations.
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Latest Dairy Products Tenders
...products including but not limited to: fruit, vegetables, prepared potatoes, salads, milk, dairy products, eggs, bread, morning goods, fresh meat, fresh poultry, fresh fish and meat alternatives. The DPS will be in place for a minimum of 7 years with an approximate spend of 200m and...
Contract Value: £200,000,000
Buying Organisation: NHS Supply Chain
Tender Category: Dairy products
83_25 Supply of Ambient, Chilled, Frozen Foods and Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and Salads
ESPO is seeking to put in place a multi-supplier framework for the direct supply and delivery of a range of Ambient, Chilled, Frozen Foods and Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and Salad products. To tender: (a) Go to; (b) Register (if not already registered on ProContract);...
Contract Value: £400,000,000
Buying Organisation: ESPO
Tender Category: Dairy products
The Supply of Overseas Deployable Food
...products are as follows: Chilled Food Products: Dairy and Eggs, Fresh fruit, vegetables, herbs and salad items etc. Ambient Food Products: Inc. Bakery products, Dairy/Eggs, Hot and Cold Beverages, Canned Fruit and Veg, Cereals, Pasta and Rice, Condiments and Sauces, Dried Fruit and Veg, Confectionary/Snack items,...
Contract Value: £100,000,000 to £250,000,000
Buying Organisation: Leidos Supply
Tender Category: Dairy products
The Supply of Overseas Deployable Food
...Products and beverages to overseas locations as well as to future overseas operations and/or exercises.
Contract Value: £250,000,000
Buying Organisation: Leidos Supply Limited
Tender Category: Dairy products
ID 5321594 - DfE - NWRC - Supply and Delivery of Specialist Grocery Items for N.I. FE/HE Colleges
...products are required for use in the delivery of courses to their students and in their commercial kitchens. The Contract is subdivided into five geographical Lots based on the individual College catchment areas as detailed below. Lot 1 Belfast Metropolitan College (BMC); Lot 2 Northern Regional...
Contract Value: £750,000
Buying Organisation: FE South West College
Tender Category: Dairy products
Enjoy valuable new tenders every week
Grocery, Frozen and Chilled Items
...products including Dairy and Bakery for delivery five days a week to multiple sites across the University campus. The closing date for submissions is 12midday 27th February 2025. In order to express interest in this opportunity please go to the University of Warwick In-Tend supplier portal...
Contract Value: £4,500,000 to £5,000,000
Buying Organisation: The University of Warwick
Tender Category: Dairy products
Grocery, Frozen and Chilled Items
...products including Dairy and Bakery for delivery five days a week to multiple sites across the University campus.The closing date for submissions is 12midday 27th February 2025.In order to express interest in this opportunity please go to the University of Warwick In-Tend supplier portal ( University...
Contract Value: £5,000,000
Buying Organisation: University of Warwick
Tender Category: Dairy products
Sheffield City Council is looking for a supplier to deliver school...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Sheffield City Council
Tender Category: Dairy products
Sheffield City Council is looking for a supplier to deliver school...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Sheffield City Council
Tender Category: Dairy products
Sheffield City Council is looking for a supplier to deliver school...
Contract Value: £3,300,000
Buying Organisation: Sheffield City Council
Tender Category: Dairy products
CCS032 Supply and Delivery of Frozen Food
...products for their children's residential homes and homes for older people.
Contract Value: £45,000,000
Buying Organisation: Derbyshire County Council
Tender Category: Dairy products
CCS032 Supply and Delivery of Frozen Food
...products for their childrens residential homes and homes for older people.
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Derby City Council
Tender Category: Dairy products
Provision of Prisoner and Non-Prisoner Food
...products across across the prison estate in England and Wales; this equates to a population of approximately 87,400 prisoners (as of 26th July 2024) in addition to provision for some staff facilities and visitor centres. This provision aids the Authority in fulfilling its statutory and policy...
Contract Value: £879,600,000
Buying Organisation: Ministry of Justice
Tender Category: Dairy products
PEP/ES/School Establishment Statutory Milk Contract 2025
The Council wishes to appoint a provider for the supply of Subsidised School Milk for schools, nurseries, academies, free schools and other educational establishments. The supplier will supply and deliver the School Milk to the settings and do the associated administration where required. Bristol...
Contract Value: £1,550,000
Buying Organisation: Bristol City Council
Tender Category: Dairy products
Supply of Prisoner and Non-Prisoner Food
...products across across the prison estate in England and Wales; this equates to a population of approximately 87,400 prisoners (as of 26th July 2024) in addition to provision for some staff facilities and visitor centres. This provision aids the Authority in fulfilling its statutory and policy...
Contract Value: £879,600,000
Buying Organisation: Ministry of Justice
Tender Category: Dairy products
Supply of Milk, Dairy and Bread
...Dairy and Bread products
Contract Value: £412,000
Buying Organisation: Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trus
Tender Category: Dairy products
Provision of Milk, Dairy, Eggs and Associated Services
...dairy products as part of a wider collaborative framework. The Council is however keen to ensure that food procurement aligns with the Councils ambition to be a zero-carbon county and its wider policies for decarbonisation and socially responsible procurement. The Council has also undertaken a review...
Contract Value: £272,900
Buying Organisation: Monmouthshire County Council
Tender Category: Dairy products
Fresh Milk and Fresh...
Contract Value: £19,022,402
Buying Organisation: NI Medical and Dental Training Agency
Tender Category: Dairy products
Semi-Skinned milk and Oat...
Contract Value: £65,000
Buying Organisation: Wakefield and District Housing Limited
Tender Category: Dairy products
DBT has procured provision for NPH FHC (Food and Hotel China) mission to Shanghai on the 10th to the 14th of November 2024 to support 10-12 northern business wishing to access the Chinese...
Contract Value: £17,776
Buying Organisation: Department for International Trade
Tender Category: Dairy products
Contract Value: £120,000 to £160,000
Tender Category: Dairy products
...products to Manchester Central Convention Complex, Runway Visitors Park, Central Library and the Manchester Town Hall Complex. Estimated annual spend for milk / dairy products is circa £103k, with estimated annual spend for fruit / vegetables circa £105k. Spend is estimated on current supply and Manchester...
Contract Value: £600,000 to £624,000
Buying Organisation: Manchester City Council
Tender Category: Dairy products
Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations
Where Do I Find Dairy Products Tenders?
We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Dairy Products Tenders:
- NHS Supply Chain
- Leidos Supply
- Leidos Supply Limited
- FE South West College
- The University of Warwick
- University of Warwick
- Sheffield City Council
- Derbyshire County Council
- Derby City Council
- Ministry of Justice
- Bristol City Council
- Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trus
- Monmouthshire County Council
- NI Medical and Dental Training Agency
- Wakefield and District Housing Limited
- Department for International Trade
- Manchester City Council
How Do I Bid for Dairy Products Tenders?
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