UK Defence Services Tenders
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Latest Defence Services Tenders
KSA MOD Transformation Programme Phase 2
This contract has been awarded. Provision of Military advisers for the Kingdom of Saudi...
Contract Value: £10,000,000
Buying Organisation: Ministry of Defence
Tender Category: Defence services
Services were sought for a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) component under FCDO's new £65m The Just Rural Transition Support Programme. The main component will support the design and implementation of public policies and support (including through subsidy reforms) that scale sustainable agriculture approaches which benefit...
Contract Value: £1,791,685
Buying Organisation: Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Tender Category: Defence services
Hypersonic Technologies & Capability Development Framework - Re-Opening 1
...Defence (MoD) Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) has established the Hypersonic Technologies & Capability Development Framework Agreement (the Framework). The aim of the Framework is to accelerate development of the United Kingdom Hypersonic Strike Capability and to provide a route to market for future operational elements...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Ministry of Defence
Tender Category: Defence services
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RFI - NSIGN Ships Engineering Project Preliminary Market Engagement (PME)
...Defence (the "Authority") under the 'Naval Support Integrated Global Network' (NSIGN) Ships Engineering Project is exploring the potential future requirement to replace the current Ship Engineering Management and Delivery Lots of the Future Maritime Support Programme (FMSP) and Future In Service Support RFA, commencing 2028. The...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Ministry of Defence
Tender Category: Defence services
L118 Light Gun Design Organisation
Contract Value: £6,100,000
Buying Organisation: Ministry of Defence
Tender Category: Defence services
L118 Light Gun Design Organisation - Contract Award Notice
Contract Award Notice including redacted...
Contract Value: £6,100,000
Buying Organisation: Ministry of Defence
Tender Category: Defence services
Funded through UK Shared Prosperity Fund, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council are seeking providers to partner with the Employment & Skills Team at Solihull Council, to deliver 3 exciting opportunities to support our residents into work and help our employers to develop inclusive recruitment...
Contract Value: Unknown
Tender Category: Defence services
Hypersonic Technologies & Capability Development Framework
...Defence (MoD) Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) intends to establish a multi-supplier Hypersonic Technologies & Capability Development Framework Agreement (the Framework). The aim of the Framework is to accelerate development of the United Kingdom Hypersonic Strike Capability and to provide a route to market for future...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Ministry of Defence
Tender Category: Defence services
Commando Forces Mission Partner
...Defence Specialist Users. Developed with Future Capability Group (FCG), it will provide a cross-Defence Lines of Development (DLOD) wrapper and demonstrate a bridging solution from experimentation to in-service delivery and enable future scaling for a larger number of users and sensors. Project EVE is an OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE...
Contract Value: £7,200,000
Buying Organisation: MINISTRY OF DEFENCE
Tender Category: Defence services
Contract for the provision of a Defence Air Passenger Services System
...Defence Air Passenger Systems Service (DAPSS) capability shall provide a flight scheduling, reservation processing, and aircraft dispatch capability to manage air passengers and their baggage. It shall ensure the sustainable, safe and efficient operation of the military Air Transport Force and Authority passenger charter aircraft worldwide....
Contract Value: £7,639,200
Buying Organisation: Defence Equipment and Support
Tender Category: Defence services
709118450 - Exercise Planning Support to JTEPS - Contract Award Notice
Contract Award Notice - 709118450 - Exercise Planning Support to...
Contract Value: £103,982
Buying Organisation: Ministry of Defence
Tender Category: Defence services
Supply of "Services of Choice" to Base Support Squadron
...Services Of Choice (SOC) Contract with QinetiQ, to acquire and pay for a range of services under the terms of the LTPA to the various military "lodger units" located at MOD Boscombe Down. The current SOC contract expires on 31 March 2023 and BSS has requested...
Contract Value: £125,000
Buying Organisation: MINISTRY OF DEFENCE
Tender Category: Defence services
Project Numidian is to provide professional, agile and responsive support to the design, planning, delivery and improvement of training across all Training Levels and Environments. This support will incorporate the provision of Contemporary Operating Environmental FORce (COEFOR), Opposition FORce...
Contract Value: £73,980,408
Buying Organisation: MINISTRY OF DEFENCE
Tender Category: Defence services
701779452 Project Numidian Tender Documents for Transparency
The DPQQ process has taken place and bidders downselected. This is a publication of the Tender Documents for...
Contract Value: £54,000,000
Buying Organisation: Ministry of Defence
Tender Category: Defence services
The placements contribute to the NHS clinical capacity and this arrangement enables the personnel to maintain their clinical expertise while maintaining their military skills and ability to deploy quickly to areas of conflict in support of frontline...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Tender Category: Defence services
Skysiren Sustain & Enhance is a UK Five Eyes programme that provides Near Real Time Intelligence (NRTI) essential Situational Awareness, Combat Identification and Critical Threat Warning to enhance platform and force element survivability, as well as contributing to greater interoperability with...
Contract Value: £10,900,000
Buying Organisation: Ministry of Defence
Tender Category: Defence services
Skysiren Sustain & Enhance is a UK Five Eyes programme that provides Near Real Time Intelligence (NRTI) essential Situational Awareness, Combat Identification and Critical Threat Warning to enhance platform and force element survivability, as well as contributing to greater interoperability with...
Contract Value: £10,900,000
Buying Organisation: Ministry of Defence
Tender Category: Defence services
701779452 Project Numidian DPQQ - Opportunuty
Project Numidian is to provide professional, agile and responsive support to the design, planning, delivery and improvement of training across all Training Levels and Environments. This support will incorporate the provision of Contemporary Operating Environmental FORce (COEFOR), Opposition FORce...
Contract Value: £54,000,000
Buying Organisation: Ministry of Defence
Tender Category: Defence services
To provide professional, agile and responsive support to the design, planning, delivery and improvement of training across all Training Levels and Environments. This support will incorporate the provision of Contemporary Operating Environmental FORce (COEFOR), Opposition FORce (OPFOR), Hi-Fidelity...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Ministry of Defence
Tender Category: Defence services
703902450-DTP-RFI-Contracts Finder
Driver Training Project - Request for...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Ministry of Defence
Tender Category: Defence services
Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations
Where Do I Find Defence Services Tenders?
We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Defence Services Tenders:
- Ministry of Defence
- Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
- Defence Equipment and Support
- Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
How Do I Bid for Defence Services Tenders?
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