UK Drain Tenders
Total Tenders publishes tenders from over 4000 UK companies and organisations.
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Latest Drain Tenders
Trialling Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDS) in Scawthorpe and Clay...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: City of Doncaster Council
Tender Category: Drain
Trialling Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDS) in Scawthorpe and Clay...
Contract Value: £250,000
Buying Organisation: City of Doncaster Council
Tender Category: Drain
Drain maintenance agreement to cover the following three (3) hospital sites: Pinderfields General Hospital Dewsbury District Hospital Pontefract General Infirmary Hospital
Contract Value: £20,000 to £40,000
Buying Organisation: Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust
Tender Category: Drain
supply of Non-Wire Lesion Localisation & Sentinel Lymph Node Location Products
Supply of consumable - SPS12 12cm x 14G Pintuition seed in a pre-loaded needle. The Pintuition Base Unit and Probes are capital elements currently on loan to the...
Contract Value: £263,520
Tender Category: Drain
Emergency Drain Clearance & Associated Underground Drainage Repairs
The work entails the inspection, location, and clearance of blockages to drains, sewers & manholes in tenanted and void properties. Using the appropriate equipment which includes jetting, washing down and disinfecting the affected area upon...
Contract Value: £480,000 to £600,000
Buying Organisation: Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Tender Category: Drain
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DUD - Drain Jetting, CCTV Surveys, Drainage Repairs, Drain Lining and Gutter Vacuuming 2024 - AWARD
...Drain Jetting, CCTV Surveys, Drainage Repairs, Drain Lining and Gutter Vacuuming to the Councils Housing Stock.
Contract Value: £600,000 to £700,000
Buying Organisation: Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council
Tender Category: Drain
DUD - Drain Jetting, CCTV Surveys, Drainage Repairs, Drain Lining and Gutter Vacuuming 2024
...Drain Jetting, CCTV Surveys, Drainage Repairs, Drain Lining and Gutter Vacuuming to the Councils Housing Stock.
Contract Value: £600,000 to £700,000
Buying Organisation: Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council
Tender Category: Drain
Drainage Services and Repair Works
Drainage clearance, investigation, repairs, and replacement work. Services include unblocking drains and wc's, high pressure jetting, excavation work and drainage pipe replacement, and drainage CCTV surveys. Service availability is required 24/7 and 365 days a year. Including cover for out-of-hours...
Contract Value: £592,000 to £1,470,000
Buying Organisation: GreenSquareAccord
Tender Category: Drain
Campus Drain repairs and annual maintenance
We have awarded a supplier via the EEM framework a supplier to deal with all our commercial and on site residential drainage requirements, including emergency works and annual maintenance...
Contract Value: £150,000
Buying Organisation: Keele University
Tender Category: Drain
Donington Cowley Endowed Primary School
Replace Drainage and Resurface...
Contract Value: £78,188
Buying Organisation: Lincolnshire County Council
Tender Category: Drain
UKHSA- Porton-Site Drainage CCTV & Respective Repairs
Survey and resulting repairs of drainage...
Contract Value: £154,768
Buying Organisation: UK Health Security Agency
Tender Category: Drain
DUD - Drain Jetting, CCTV Surveys, Drainage Repairs, Drain Lining and Gutter Vacuuming - AWARD
...Drain jetting, Drainage repairs, Drain lining and Gutter Vacuuming to the Council's Housing stock. For this project, Dudley MBC has adopted Constructionline and PAS 91 Questionnaire. If you are already a member of Constructionline at Silver Membership or above and the following sections are verified on...
Contract Value: £330,000 to £1,000,000
Buying Organisation: Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council
Tender Category: Drain
Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations
Where Do I Find Drain Tenders?
We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Drain Tenders:
- City of Doncaster Council
- Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust
- Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
- Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council
- GreenSquareAccord
- Keele University
- Lincolnshire County Council
- UK Health Security Agency
How Do I Bid for Drain Tenders?
The UK tender bidding process has been greatly simplified - especially for SMEs. Join us and your account includes the latest guides, articles, and white papers on best practise for bidding, and proven tips to improve win rates. The UK tender bidding process has been greatly simplified - especially for SMEs. Join us and your account includes the latest guides, tips, and white papers on best practise for creating successful bids for Drain Tenders.
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