UK Duty Tenders

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Road Based Passenger Transport Services

...duty under the 1985 Transport Act to secure the provision of such public passenger transport services as the council consider it appropriate to secure to meet any public transport requirements which would not in its view be met apart from any action taken by it for...

Contract Value: £12,000,000

Buying Organisation: Bracknell Forest Borough Council

Road Based Passenger Transport Services

...duty under the 1985 Transport Act 'to secure the provision of such public passenger transport services as the council consider it appropriate to secure to meet any public transport requirements ... which would not in its view be met apart from any action taken by it...

Contract Value: £12,000,000

Buying Organisation: Bracknell Forest Borough Council

Milton Keynes City Council - Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Supported Accommodation Services for Young People

...duty to support vulnerable young people, within a safe environment, to develop the skills and resilience necessary to live independently and make a successful transition to adult life. The services are specifically required for: Looked After young people. Care Leavers. Young people assessed as a Child...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Milton Keynes City Council

Provision of UHL Backlog - Lift Replacement and Upgrade

...Duty Passenger Lift. The new lift components shall utilise open protocol systems, no closed systems will be considered.

Contract Value: £500,000

Buying Organisation: Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust

North Northamptonshire Healthwatch

...duty for top tier authorities to locally commission Healthwatch, which is the primary public champion for both local health and social care systems. Healthwatch plays an important role in monitoring the quality of local services and gathering the views and experiences of customers and the wider...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: North Northamptonshire Council

CWC23124 Direct Payments Personal Budgets Employer Support Service

...duty on all local authorities to ensure that every adult assessed as being eligible for funded care and support can access a Personal Budget (PB), which is sufficient to meet their assessed needs. Direct Payments (DP) are the established route by which an individual can receive...

Contract Value: £910,000

Buying Organisation: Wolverhampton City Council

CWC23124 Direct Payments (Personal Budgets Employer Support Services)

...duty on all local authorities to ensure that every adult assessed as being eligible for funded care and support can access a Personal Budget (PB), which is sufficient to meet their assessed needs. Direct Payments (DP) are the established route by which an individual can receive...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Wolverhampton City Council

"Provision of Supported Accommodation Services for Young People Core Support (building based) - Chorley"

...duty in relation to Looked After Children and to improve outcomes for Care Leavers and Homeless people. The Services will be provided as Core Support (building based) in Chorley. Further details can be found in the tender documentation pack on our etendering portal. Details of the...

Contract Value: £1,820,000

Buying Organisation: Lancashire County Council

Psychological services for HIOWC

...duty of care. It enables Occupational Health (OH) to provide advice and support for those individuals who are experiencing work related problems or work that is affecting mental health / trauma related issues; the aim is to facilitate recovery and enable individuals to return to or...

Contract Value: £250,000 to £1,200,000

Buying Organisation: Hampshire County Council

Provision of Psychological Services on behalf of Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary

...duty of care. It enables Occupational Health (OH) to provide advice and support for those individuals who are experiencing work related problems or work that is affecting mental health / trauma related issues; the aim is to facilitate recovery and enable individuals to return to or...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary

MBC Tree Services

...duty of care. Key Dates & Timeline for Procurement Tender release: July 22nd 2024 Expression of Interest Deadline: 12:00pm August 30th 2024 Deadline for submission of completed tenders: 12:00pm September 6th 2024 Evaluation: w/c September 6th 2024 Appointment of contractor: w/c September 30th 2024 Tenderers interested...

Contract Value: £180,000

Buying Organisation: Maidstone Borough Council


...duty to arrange a funeral where no other suitable arrangements have been made by family or friends (commonly known as a Public Health Funeral). The aims/objectives/service priorities of this contract are: To include collecting the deceased from a hospital, taking them into their care, providing a...

Contract Value: £12,499

Buying Organisation: Welland Procurement

CCS047 Provision of Block Contract for Residential Placements for Children in Care - Soft Market Testing

...duty to provide sufficient and suitable supplier provided accommodation for children in care and to improve outcomes for this vulnerable group of children. There are several children's residential homes managed by the Council, however in 2022 this met approximately 25% of the Derbyshire's requirements with the...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Derbyshire County Council

Provision of Childcare for babies and children in a Nottinghamshire County Council Maintained Property: Childcare Suite at Butlers Hill & Broomhill Children's Centre, Hucknall Family Hub

...duty to ensure that there is sufficient high quality childcare provision within the County to enable parents to access work and training and prepare children for school. The Council also distributes funding for childcare for eligible children. As part of these duties the Council utilises purpose...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Nottinghamshire County Council

DPS Domiciliary Care, Extra Care, Day & Evening Opportunities & Floating Support

...duty to meet the care and support needs of vulnerable adults, children, and carers in the borough where the eligibility criteria are met. As a result, the Council sources a diverse range of services to meet individual care and support needs using a Dynamic Purchasing System...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: London Borough of Ealing

ROUND 2 - TC020 - Alternative Provision (Education) Flexible Purchasing System (FPS)

...duty to provide suitable education for all children of compulsory school age in their area. This includes pupils who are not able to access mainstream school places i.e. permanently excluded pupils, and for other pupils who because of illness or other reasons would not receive suitable...

Contract Value: £7,200,000

Buying Organisation: Bolton Council

Dementia Residential Block Bed(s) in Somerset

...duty to commission services to support the people of Somersets assessed Care Act Needs. Dementia is recognised under the Care Act as a statutory requirement.. The new contract(s) will need to be in place on 3rd February 2025 to ensure Somerset Council meets its statutory obligations...

Contract Value: £50,000,000

Buying Organisation: Somerset County Council

GB-Shrewsbury: AMCV 325 - - Statutory Advocacy and DoLS Personal Representative services for Adults.

...duty on local authorities to ensure that every person who is deprived of their liberty by the DoLS has to have a Representative. In many cases this is a family member. Where there is no one available to carry out this role the Council must appoint...

Contract Value: £100,000 to £500,000

Buying Organisation: Shropshire Council

MBC Tree Services

...duty of care.

Contract Value: £180,000

Buying Organisation: Maidstone Borough Council

MET Accutrace Plus Analysers

...duty on road fuels, which in 2022 exceeded £24 billion. HMRC Oils Policy is designed to reduce the level of fraud in the fuels sector by focusing on large-scale criminal and commercial misuse by combining law enforcement action with more control of the sale and distribution...

Contract Value: £1,680,000

Buying Organisation: H M Revenue & Customs

Weather Forecasting systems

...Duty officers to make informed decisions relating to the winter treatment of roads. The product also requires the ability to record and recall forecast and decision information for a period of 6 yrs +. The system is also required to be able from Duty officers to...

Contract Value: £90,000

Buying Organisation: Oxfordshire County Council

Supply & Delivery of Taxi Vehicle Licence Plates, Driver Badge Materials, other Licences and Consents

...duty to use and enforce licensing legislation to ensure that all licensable operations relating to people, places and activities are safe and operate within the controls & limits imposed by the various licensing regimes. In particular the service is responsible for the licensing of: Public &...

Contract Value: £100,000

Buying Organisation: Bury Council

Provision of Cumbria Master Composter Volunteer Scheme

...duty to manage this waste following the waste hierarchy of maximising waste reduction, reuse and recycling, including composting as a priority order before waste disposal. Waste reduction including food waste reduction and composting of food and garden waste are therefore priorities The purpose of this tender...

Contract Value: £225,000

Buying Organisation: Cumberland Council


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Organisations that have recently procured Duty

  • Bracknell Forest Borough Council
  • Milton Keynes City Council
  • Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust
  • North Northamptonshire Council
  • Wolverhampton City Council
  • Lancashire County Council
  • Hampshire County Council
  • Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary
  • Maidstone Borough Council
  • Welland Procurement
  • Derbyshire County Council
  • Nottinghamshire County Council
  • London Borough of Ealing
  • Bolton Council
  • Somerset County Council
  • Shropshire Council
  • H M Revenue & Customs
  • Oxfordshire County Council
  • Bury Council
  • Cumberland Council


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