Supplier Profile - Fresenius Kabi Limited
149 tenders awarded to Fresenius Kabi Limited
Most recent tenders won by Fresenius Kabi Limited
Supply of Parenteral Nutrition Products
Supply of Parenteral Nutrition Products
Contract Value: £14,000,000
Medical Equipment Emergency Dept. Pilgrim Infusion Pumps
Medical Equipment Emergency Dept. Pilgrim Infusion Pumps
Contract Value: £65,205
NHS National Generic Pharmaceuticals Wave 15a
NHS National Generic Pharmaceuticals Wave 15a
Contract Value: £170
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Fresenius Kabi Limited has won tenders with the following tender categories:
- Pharmaceutical products
- Medical equipments
- Infusion pumps
- Endoscopy, endosurgery devices
- Medical consumables
- Catheters
- Balloon catheters
- Cannulae
- Dilator
- Catheter accessories
- Biopsy needles
- Lithotripter
- Medicinal products for functional gastrointestinal disorders
- Blood bags
- Word-processing software package
- Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products
- Blood-transfusion supplies
- Collector and collection bags, drainage and kits
- Devices and instruments for transfusion and infusion
- Enteral feeds
Plus 56 more