UK Golf Equipment Tenders
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Latest Golf Equipment Tenders
T22/23-082 Golf Services Operating Agreement Aberdelghy
...Golf Services, Collection and Accounting for Green Fees and Ancillary Services at Aberdelghy Golf Course
Contract Value: £200,946
Buying Organisation: Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council
Tender Category: Golf equipment
Golf supplies to the Oak Leaf Golf Complex shop stocks including balls, tees, shoes, clubs and clothing to the Oak Leaf Golf Complex. There is no formal contract in place and the Golf Administrator is free to shop around for the best prices, using a variety of suppliers but purchased a large amount...
Contract Value: £37,842
Buying Organisation: Great Aycliffe Town Council
Tender Category: Golf equipment
T22/23-082 Golf Services Operating Agreement Aberdelghy
...Golf Services, Collection and Accounting for Green Fees and Ancillary Services at Aberdelghy Golf Course
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council
Tender Category: Golf equipment
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Where Do I Find Golf Equipment Tenders?
We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Golf Equipment Tenders:
- Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council
- Great Aycliffe Town Council
How Do I Bid for Golf Equipment Tenders?
The UK tender bidding process has been greatly simplified - especially for SMEs. Join us and your account includes the latest guides, articles, and white papers on best practise for bidding, and proven tips to improve win rates. The UK tender bidding process has been greatly simplified - especially for SMEs. Join us and your account includes the latest guides, tips, and white papers on best practise for creating successful bids for Golf Equipment Tenders.
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