UK Insurance Consultancy Services Tenders

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Latest Insurance Consultancy Services Tenders

Group Insurance Policy - AWARD

...Insurance Services in accordance with the Specification of requirements, terms and conditions of contract.

Contract Value: £8,000,000 to £10,000,000

Buying Organisation: Thirteen Housing Group Ltd

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

Group Insurance Policy

...Insurance Services in accordance with the Specification of requirements, terms and conditions of contract.

Contract Value: £8,000,000 to £10,000,000

Buying Organisation: Thirteen Housing Group Ltd

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

Group Insurance Policy

At Thirteen, weve been working to help improve the lives of people in our neighbourhoods for years. We provide our customers with homes, support and opportunities to grow.We own and manage 35,000 properties across the North East and Yorkshire and offer a home for life, providing housing and support...

Contract Value: £8,000,000

Buying Organisation: Thirteen Housing Group Limited

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

Enjoy valuable new tenders every week

Payment Initiation Services

NS&I has a requirement for the provision and maintenance of Payment Initiation Services in order to allow NS&I's customers to pay NS&I by bank transfer using a secure, simple and efficient process. Contract awarded for a period of 12 months, with an optional 12 month extension...

Contract Value: £250,000

Buying Organisation: NS&I

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

TROP0086 - Insurance Advisors IEP

...Insurance Advisor who will provide specialist technical advice on insurance.

Contract Value: £50,000

Buying Organisation: DfTc - Department for Transport

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

C0545 Expert Advice Dynamic Purchasing System

The UK Infrastructure Bank ('UKIB') is the UK government-owned policy bank, focused on increasing infrastructure investment across the United Kingdom. UKIB is partnering with the private sector and local government to finance a green industrial revolution and drive growth across the...

Contract Value: £10,000,000

Buying Organisation: UK Infrastructure Bank Limited

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

Floating Offshore Wind Insurance for FOW. This work focused on examining the current views and proposed approach of the insurance community to insuring FOW projects. Findings from the project highlighted areas of critical significance to insurers which this project can utilise in helping to determine the technology options and...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

Floating Offshore Wind Insurance for FOW. This work focused on examining the current views and proposed approach of the insurance community to insuring FOW projects. Findings from the project highlighted areas of critical significance to insurers which this project can utilise in helping to determine the technology options and...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

C0545 Expert Advice Dynamic Purchasing System

The UK Infrastructure Bank ('UKIB') is the UK government-owned policy bank, focused on increasing infrastructure investment across the United Kingdom. UKIB is partnering with the private sector and local government to finance a green industrial revolution and drive growth across the...

Contract Value: £10,000,000

Buying Organisation: UK Infrastructure Bank Limited

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

UKIB DPS for Expert Advice Services

The UK Infrastructure Bank ('UKIB') is the UK government-owned policy bank, focused on increasing infrastructure investment across the United Kingdom. UKIB is partnering with the private sector and local government to finance a green industrial revolution and drive growth across the country. UKIB...

Contract Value: £10,000,000

Buying Organisation: UK Infrastructure Bank Limited

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

Staff Health Cash and Benefits Plan

The staff health cash and benefits plan is a comprehensive solution allowing staff to reclaim funds for essential healthcare expenses, providing crucial financial support when its most needed. This plan will encompass a range of benefits, including 24/7 doctor access, swift cash reimbursements to...

Contract Value: £1,250,000

Buying Organisation: Gentoo Group

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

Staff Health Cash and Benefits Plan

The staff health cash and benefits plan is a comprehensive solution allowing staff to reclaim funds for essential healthcare expenses, providing crucial financial support when its most needed. This plan will encompass a range of benefits, including 24/7 doctor access, swift cash reimbursements to...

Contract Value: £1,250,000

Buying Organisation: Gentoo Group

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

Insurance Services

...Insurance Firm, or broker, to provide annual Insurance cover for the elements stated below: Property Stock Group Personal Accident Combined Liability Crime Office & Computer Combined Motor Contract Works Professional Indemnity Engineering Cyber Liability Detailed information in relation to RCHGs requirements for each schedule are provided...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: River Clyde Homes

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

Claims Management System

Provide a liability claims management system and service that is a stand-by option which will be embedded within a wider claim's response operation. The system and service will need the agility to ramp-up and administer claims, if needed, arising from a large-scale event. To deliver this output and...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

Claims Management System

Provide a liability claims management system and service that is a stand-by option which will be embedded within a wider claim's response operation. The system and service will need the agility to ramp-up and administer claims, if needed, arising from a large-scale event. To deliver this output and...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

Spaceflight UK Launch Insurance Policy and Re-entry Risk

...Insurance and Liability Caps and Re-Entry Risk Study. Please access the Invitation to Tender documentation via the Jaggaer platform And search for ITT reference itt_1755 - Spaceflight UK Launch Insurance Policy and Re-entry Risk, should you wish to participate in this opportunity. If you are...

Contract Value: £200,000

Buying Organisation: DfTc - Department for Transport

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

Spaceflight UK Launch Insurance Policy and Re-entry Risk

...Insurance and Liability Caps and Re-Entry Risk Study. Please access the Invitation to Tender documentation via the Jaggaer platform And search for ITT reference itt_1755 - Spaceflight UK Launch Insurance Policy and Re-entry Risk, should you wish to participate in this opportunity. If you are...

Contract Value: £200,000

Buying Organisation: Department for Transport

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

Blast Modelling Consultancy Services industry.

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Pool Re Services Limited

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

Blast Modelling Consultancy Services industry. The objective of a PML is to model credible, worst case scenarios for stakeholders, enabling informed decision-making and aid understanding of potential financial impacts in event of an attack. A PML involves a risk-based identification of threat scenarios and modelling of blast overpressures through...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Pool Reinsurance

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

Insurance and Related Services 4

...Insurance services to be utilised by Central Government Departments and all other UK Public Sector Bodies, including Local Authorities, Health, Police, Fire and Rescue, Education and Devolved Administrations. It is intended that this commercial agreement will be the recommended vehicle for all insurance and related services...

Contract Value: £600,000,000

Buying Organisation: The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service

Tender Category: Insurance consultancy services

Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations

Where Do I Find Insurance Consultancy Services Tenders?

We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Insurance Consultancy Services Tenders:

  • Thirteen Housing Group Ltd
  • Thirteen Housing Group Limited
  • NS&I
  • DfTc - Department for Transport
  • UK Infrastructure Bank Limited
  • Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
  • Gentoo Group
  • River Clyde Homes
  • Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
  • Department for Transport
  • Pool Re Services Limited
  • Pool Reinsurance
  • The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service

How Do I Bid for Insurance Consultancy Services Tenders?

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