UK Lighting Systems Tenders

Total Tenders publishes tenders from over 4000 UK companies and organisations.

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Latest Lighting Systems Tenders

YPO - 001087 Low Energy Lighting Systems to Include Internal, External and Emergency Lighting

...Lighting Systems to include Internal, External and Emergency Lighting. The DPS is designed to meet the needs of all public sector organisations which includes YPO's internal requirements and any of YPO's wholly owned associated or subsidiary companies. Please note that deadline for submissions for the initial...

Contract Value: £10,000,000

Buying Organisation: YPO

Tender Category: Lighting systems

Design, Supply and Installation of LED Lighting Upgrade at Grantham Police Station to identified areas within Grantham Police Station.

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Lincolnshire Police

Tender Category: Lighting systems

Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Festive Lighting Scheme displays for Ashington Town Council. This tender forms part of our initial selection process to identify a preferred supplier, with detailed designs and final costs to be agreed upon appointment. Contractors must comply with: Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (as amended) BS EN IEC 60598-2-20:2024+A11:2024 Luminaires...

Contract Value: £123,000

Buying Organisation: Ashington Town Council

Tender Category: Lighting systems

Invitation to Tender for Byrom St External Lighting and Fire Assembly Points. to our Byrom St Campus, along with the installation of muster points to the site and any associated enabling works to facilitate. The works include, but are not limited to, the following: Supply, installation, test and commissioning of the following items: External Lighting install (free...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Liverpool John Moores University

Tender Category: Lighting systems

GB-Camberley: Supply and Installation of Lighting at Main Square Car Park, Camberley

The Council is trying to reduce energy costs at Main Square Car Park, Camberley. Currently, there are 61 existing lights (35 X 16W, 14 X 5W & 12 X 22W) which lack sensors and so are left on all day despite being in areas of low use. We are looking for these lights to be replaced with the most...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Surrey Heath Borough Council

Tender Category: Lighting systems

Fusion21 Decarbonisation Framework

Provision of decarbonisation works and services for use by current and prospective Members. The Framework is split into two Lots: Lot 1 - Whole House Decarbonisation Lot 2 - Decarbonisation of Public and Education Buildings This procurement exercise is inviting tenders from all interested companies...

Contract Value: £1,500,000,000

Buying Organisation: Fusion21 Members Consortium

Tender Category: Lighting systems

Enjoy valuable new tenders every week

Term Service Contract for the Maintenance and Periodic Inspection and Testing of Emergency Lighting Systems - Retender installations throughout the County, of various sizes and complexity. The contract scope of work includes the initial inspection, testing and verification of existing systems, verifying as installed information; undertaking planned inspection and testing; consequential and reactive maintenance works to ensure that installations meet operational and...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: East Riding of Yorkshire Council

Tender Category: Lighting systems

Term Service Contract for the Maintenance and Periodic Inspection and Testing of Emergency Lighting Systems - RETENDER installations throughout the County, of various sizes and complexity. The contract scope of work includes the initial inspection, testing and verification of existing systems, verifying as installed information; undertaking planned inspection and testing; consequential and reactive maintenance works to ensure that installations meet operational and...

Contract Value: £440,000

Buying Organisation: East Riding of Yorkshire Council

Tender Category: Lighting systems

LED Lighting

...Lighting throughout the Hospital

Contract Value: £488,160

Buying Organisation: The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Foundation Trust

Tender Category: Lighting systems

Series 1300: Road Lighting Columns and Masts - A46 Newark Bypass Scheme

...Lighting Columns and masts etc along the new 6.5km of the A46 Newark Bypass.

Contract Value: Unknown


Tender Category: Lighting systems

BE25014 - Accommodation Lighting Replacement

...Lighting Replacement. This was awarded following a competitive quotation process.

Contract Value: £28,920


Tender Category: Lighting systems

Electrical Sundries

The Authority is seeking Contractor(s) for the provision of electrical sundries products for all HE/FE institutions. The Authority are seeking to obtain, through this tendering process, price normalisation for all Institutions - regardless of size and demand. The Authority is seeking to appoint 4...

Contract Value: £14,000,000

Buying Organisation: APUC Limited

Tender Category: Lighting systems

LJMU - Redmonds Building - VRV and LED Replacement Scheme throughout the Redmonds Building. All works are detailed on the tender drawings, specification and in the schedule of works. The Tender documentation has been developed up to RIBA Stage 4 as outlined in the BSRIA Building Services Design Framework BG6. The Contractor shall provide coordination...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Liverpool John Moores University

Tender Category: Lighting systems

Supply and Installation of LED Lighting, Fixtures and Fittings and associated items/electrical works. Lot 1 Supply of LED Lighting and associated equipment Lot 2 Installation of LED Lighting and associated equipment Lot 3 - Supply and Installation of LED Lighting and associated equipment, including the provision of end to end project specification and management...

Contract Value: £40,000,000

Buying Organisation: Kent County Council (T/A Laser Energy)

Tender Category: Lighting systems

SALIX Lighting Replacement @ Clough Road Police Station through SALIX funding at Clough Road Police Station.

Contract Value: £199,554

Buying Organisation: The Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside

Tender Category: Lighting systems

Term Service Contract for the Maintenance and Periodic Inspection and Testing of Emergency Lighting Systems installations in various occupied operational properties either owned and controlled or managed under Service Level Agreements, located within the geographical boundaries of the East Riding of Yorkshire.

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: East Riding of Yorkshire Council

Tender Category: Lighting systems

KING CROSS LIBRARY LIGHTING at King Cross Library as per Thorlux smartscan design. Site visits are a condition of tender and bookings will be managed through the messaging portal.

Contract Value: £50,000 to £100,000

Buying Organisation: The Borough Council of Calderdale

Tender Category: Lighting systems

HALIFAX CUSTOMER FIRST LIGHTING WORKS as per Thorlux smartscan design. Site visits are a condition of tender and will be posted on the YORtender messaging portal.

Contract Value: £70,000 to £120,000

Buying Organisation: The Borough Council of Calderdale

Tender Category: Lighting systems

Emergency Lighting Testing and Maintenance systems. Remedial works to maintain systems as currently installed. Remedial works outside of self-certification limits. Replacement and update systems as required. Undertake requests for ad hoc maintenance raised by Direct Maintenance (L&Q's day-to-day repairs service). The contract is split into 4 lots which are noted...

Contract Value: £22,682,240


Tender Category: Lighting systems

P&S Air Shaft Lighting Upgrade levels across all air shafts.

Contract Value: £40,011

Buying Organisation: BANK OF ENGLAND

Tender Category: Lighting systems

Tender for the Provision of Energy Saving Lighting throughout the term of the agreement. The successful partner shall therefore fund, design, install and maintain the LED lighting over a fixed term agreement.

Contract Value: £12,000,000

Buying Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF YORK

Tender Category: Lighting systems

GB-Kings Lynn: Design and Installation of LED Lights at St James Swimming Pool

The Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk is inviting tenders for the design and installation of LED lights and upgrades in distinct areas within Alive St James Swimming Pool, Blackfriars Street, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, PE30...

Contract Value: £25,000 to £50,000

Buying Organisation: Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk

Tender Category: Lighting systems

SALIX Lighting Replacement through SALIX funding at Humberside Police HQ.

Contract Value: £41,717

Buying Organisation: The Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside

Tender Category: Lighting systems

Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations

Where Do I Find Lighting Systems Tenders?

We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Lighting Systems Tenders:

  • YPO
  • Lincolnshire Police
  • Ashington Town Council
  • Liverpool John Moores University
  • Surrey Heath Borough Council
  • Fusion21 Members Consortium
  • East Riding of Yorkshire Council
  • The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Foundation Trust
  • APUC Limited
  • Kent County Council (T/A Laser Energy)
  • The Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside
  • The Borough Council of Calderdale
  • Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk

How Do I Bid for Lighting Systems Tenders?

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