UK Medical Waste Services Tenders

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Latest Medical Waste Services Tenders

Dynamic Purchasing System for Soft FM Services

Added Value Portal t/a Pagabo, acting on behalf of Red Kite Learning Trust, wish to appoint a range of Suppliers specialising in various aspects of Soft Facilities Management to a national Dynamic Purchasing Solution (DPS), available to all public sector bodies, including charities, within the UK...

Contract Value: £75,000,000

Buying Organisation: Red Kite Learning Trust

Tender Category: Medical waste services

Washroom Services and Period Dignity Solutions

NWUPC is seeking to establish a multi-provider Framework Agreement on behalf of the members of APUC, CPC, HEPCW, LUPC, NEUPC, NWUPC and SUPC for Washroom Services and Period Dignity Solutions as the successor to an existing framework agreement. This Framework Agreement will commence on 1st April...

Contract Value: £14,000,000

Buying Organisation: North Western Universities Purchasing Consortium

Tender Category: Medical waste services

Washroom Services and Period Dignity Solutions

NWUPC is seeking to establish a multi-provider Framework Agreement on behalf of the members of APUC, CPC, HEPCW, LUPC, NEUPC, NWUPC and SUPC for Washroom Services and Period Dignity Solutions as the successor to an existing framework agreement. This Framework Agreement will commence on 1st April...

Contract Value: £14,000,000

Buying Organisation: North Western Universities Purchasing Consortium

Tender Category: Medical waste services

Invitation to Tender For Healthcare Waste Non-Healthcare Waste and Feminine Hygiene Waste for Isle of Wight NHS Trust

...Waste Collection Services from its main site on the Isle of Wight. Lot 1 - Healthcare Waste Lot 2 - Non-healthcare Waste Lot 3 - Feminine Hygiene Waste

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Isle of Wight NHS Trust

Tender Category: Medical waste services

Enjoy valuable new tenders every week

Fusion21 Workplace & FM Framework

Fusion21 is developing a framework for the full provision of workplace and facilities management services across public sector estates. This procurement exercise is inviting tenders from all interested economic operators that meet the criteria set out in the tender documentation for the lot(s) they...

Contract Value: £700,000,000

Buying Organisation: Fusion21 Members Consortium

Tender Category: Medical waste services

INS301-04 Review the Application of Environmental Assessments in the Management of Nutrients in NI

3.1 To carry out a review of the application of environmental assessments in the management of nutrient inputs to the environment in Northern Ireland. 3.2 This objective will be achieved through review and critical appraisal of the following areas, as described further in Section 5: a. Evaluate the...

Contract Value: £75,000 to £100,000

Buying Organisation: Office for Environmental Protection

Tender Category: Medical waste services

Pre-Acceptance Audits for Healthcare Waste

...Waste at all 3 acute sites: Lincoln County Hospital, Pilgrim Hospital Boston and Grantham District Hospital

Contract Value: £11,760 to £18,140

Buying Organisation: United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Tender Category: Medical waste services

Pre-Acceptance Audits for Healthcare Waste

...Waste at all 3 acute sites: Lincoln County Hospital, Pilgrim Hospital Boston and Grantham District Hospital

Contract Value: £11,760 to £18,140

Buying Organisation: United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Tender Category: Medical waste services

CivTech 10.8 - How can technology reduce pharmaceutical waste?

Waste of prescribed pharmaceutical items is a major issue. In 2015 NHS England conservatively estimated that at least GBP300 million was spent on unused medicines. In addition, unwanted and unused medicines are often disposed of incorrectly, and this has significant, negative environmental and pollution impacts. Both...

Contract Value: £1,300,000

Buying Organisation: Scottish Government

Tender Category: Medical waste services

Contract for Waste Management

...waste management contracts as listed below: LOT 1 - University Main Campus LOT 2 - Peninsula Dental Social Enterprise LOT 3 - Cornwall Innovation Centres

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: University of Plymouth

Tender Category: Medical waste services

Contract for Waste Management

...waste management contracts as listed below: LOT 1 University Main Campus LOT 2 Peninsula Dental Social Enterprise LOT 3 Cornwall Innovation Centres

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: University of Plymouth

Tender Category: Medical waste services

PR BHFT0410 - Waste Management Services

...Waste collection and disposal services across BHFT facilities.

Contract Value: £201,000

Buying Organisation: Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Tender Category: Medical waste services

Waste Collection and Disposal Services for the University of Sunderland - AWARD

...Waste Collection and Disposal Services for the University of Sunderland. This opportunity is only available to suppliers on the LUPC Framework Waste Management Services (Sustainable) EFM5076 LU Lot 1 Expressions of interest outside of this Framework will be rejected, with no further correspondence entered into.

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: University of Sunderland

Tender Category: Medical waste services

Waste Collection and Disposal Services for the University of Sunderland

...Waste Collection and Disposal Services for the University of Sunderland. This opportunity is only available to suppliers on the LUPC Framework Waste Management Services (Sustainable) EFM5076 LU Lot 1 Expressions of interest outside of this Framework will be rejected, with no further correspondence entered into.

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: University of Sunderland

Tender Category: Medical waste services

Sharps Waste Collection and Disposal Services - AWARD

...waste collection service across the County to allow its residents to deposit their sharps waste at specified pharmacies. This service requires the support of a contractor with the specialist skills and experience in managing clinical waste to deliver appropriate receptacles to pharmacies that returned sharps waste...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Norfolk County Council

Tender Category: Medical waste services

Clinical & Offensive Waste Processing Services

...waste collected by the District Councils. This contract is for a service to receive and process of such waste. This RFQ is to identify and appoint a contractor for this service. OCC currently handles approximately 60 tonnes of clinical waste on an annual basis.

Contract Value: £141,290

Buying Organisation: Oxfordshire County Council

Tender Category: Medical waste services

Clinical & Offensive Waste Processing Service

...waste collected by the District Councils. This contract is for a service to receive and process of such waste. This RFQ is to identify and appoint a contractor for this service. OCC currently handles approximately 60 tonnes of clinical waste on an annual basis. The commencement...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Oxfordshire County Council

Tender Category: Medical waste services

Environmentally Sustainable Waste Reduction and Management for Hospitals

...waste suppliers for the disposal of all waste streams. Both Trusts require waste reductions through improved segregation and lower carbon collection and treatment options to meet the NHS carbon reduction target by 2040, with an ambition for an 80% reduction by 2028. 3 year initial term...

Contract Value: £13,000,000

Buying Organisation: NHS South West - Acutes

Tender Category: Medical waste services

Environmentally Sustainable Waste Reduction and Management for Hospitals

...waste suppliers for the disposal of all waste streams. Both Trusts require waste reductions through improved segregation and lower carbon collection and treatment options to meet the NHS carbon reduction target by 2040, with an ambition for an 80% reduction by 2028. 3 year initial term...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Name: Bristol & Weston Purchasing Consortium

Tender Category: Medical waste services

Antiviral pharmaceutical disposal

...waste management provider to destroy expired antiviral stock.

Contract Value: £167,372

Buying Organisation: Department of Health and Social Care

Tender Category: Medical waste services

Waste - Reusable Sharps Disposal

...Waste Disposal with Reusable Sharps containers and a bespoke staffed service providing collections and bin replacement direct into wards.

Contract Value: £1,500,000

Buying Organisation: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Tender Category: Medical waste services

Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations

Where Do I Find Medical Waste Services Tenders?

We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Medical Waste Services Tenders:

  • Red Kite Learning Trust
  • North Western Universities Purchasing Consortium
  • Isle of Wight NHS Trust
  • Fusion21 Members Consortium
  • Office for Environmental Protection
  • United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
  • Scottish Government
  • University of Plymouth
  • Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
  • University of Sunderland
  • Norfolk County Council
  • Oxfordshire County Council
  • NHS South West - Acutes
  • Name: Bristol & Weston Purchasing Consortium
  • Department of Health and Social Care
  • Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

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