UK Services Furnished By Social Membership Organisations Tenders

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Latest Services Furnished By Social Membership Organisations Tenders

North Northamptonshire Council - Provision of Volunteer Training, Education, and Support for Family Hub Projects

This Request for Quotation (RFQ) has ben published on behalf of Early Help Commissioning Manager, North Northamptonshire Council. North Northamptonshire Council ("The Council") invites quotations for a Provider to deliver a structured program or initiative that provides training,...

Contract Value: £95,000

Buying Organisation: North Northamptonshire Council

Tender Category: Services furnished by social membership organisations

BT157 - Ernest Harriss Community Hub

Ernest Harriss House will be the council's first full Community Hub in Westminster and have awarded to co-create, finish and complete the fit-out. Our ambition is that this creates a welcoming, inclusive and creative space, encouraging participation, providing support and empowering communities...

Contract Value: £99,999

Buying Organisation: Westminster City Council

Tender Category: Services furnished by social membership organisations

BT157 - Ernest Harriss House Community Hub

Ernest Harriss House will be the council's first full Community Hub in Westminster and we are looking for a supplier who will work with the Council and the community to co-create, finish and complete the fit-out. Our ambition is that this creates a welcoming, inclusive and creative space,...

Contract Value: £99,999

Buying Organisation: Westminster City Council

Tender Category: Services furnished by social membership organisations

Enjoy valuable new tenders every week

WFD Georgia - Invitation to Tender - Ex-Ante RIA and GIA for Climate Law of Georgia

The Parliament of Georgia, through WFD's support, leads the Climate Law drafting process with a novel approach implying drafting and publishing consultative green and white papers prior to starting legislative drafting. Such approach provides an unprecedented possibility for all interested...

Contract Value: £15,000


Tender Category: Services furnished by social membership organisations

Expressions of interest for operating a community hub and Library

Southampton City Council are seeking organisations and partners who have the vision and experience to respond to the needs of the local community, to apply for a long-term arrangement, based from Cobbett Road to provide a library and community offer suitable to the asset and the...

Contract Value: Unknown


Tender Category: Services furnished by social membership organisations

Victim Support Commissioned Services

...Services in the following Lots. Lot 1 General Victim Services: To deliver support services for victims of crime by assisting victims of crime to recover through the provision of practical and emotional support. Lot 2 Sexual Violence and Abuse (SVA) Service: To deliver support services for...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Warwickshire Police

Tender Category: Services furnished by social membership organisations

Victim Support Commissioned Services across Warwickshire in the following Lots. Lot 1 General Victim Services: To deliver support services for victims of crime by assisting victims of crime to recover through the provision of practical and emotional support. Lot 2 Sexual Violence and Abuse (SVA) Service: To deliver support...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Warwickshire Police

Tender Category: Services furnished by social membership organisations

Victim Support Commissioned Services across Warwickshire in the following Lots: Lot 1 General Victim Services Lot 2 Sexual Violence and Abuse (SVA) Service Lot 3 Child Exploitation (CE) Service Lot 4 Independent Modern Slavery Advocacy (IMSA) Service Lot 5 Restorative Justice (RJ) Service Bidders may bid for a single...

Contract Value: £3,324,000

Buying Organisation: The Police & Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire

Tender Category: Services furnished by social membership organisations

DHSC: ASC: Adult Social Care Support & Improvement Governance and Infrastructure

...Services (DASSs) - of which there is no equivalent organisation Enabling DHSC to understand what's working well and what isn't in the sector and help do something about it, by: o Facilitating two-way communication between DHSC and LAs o Advising on live operational challenges to inform...

Contract Value: £733,884

Buying Organisation: DHSC

Tender Category: Services furnished by social membership organisations

Call for Expert - International Parliamentary Technical Adviser and development of support to the secretariat. Technical assistance on policy and legislative processes. Civic Understanding and Engagement with Parliament. Please refer to the Invitation to Tender for further details on how to apply.

Contract Value: £15,000


Tender Category: Services furnished by social membership organisations

Youth Work Fund 2022 Pre Market Engagement for young people aged 13+ years across the Central Council area, to develop their social and life skills and strengthen emotional resilience, in preparation for a happy, healthy, and independent adulthood The Youth Work Fund will look to commission projects from local providers and community...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council

Tender Category: Services furnished by social membership organisations

Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) General Support Service in West Berkshire (v2)

The service will support and further develop a thriving voluntary and community sector for West Berkshire. This will include providing support with: o Funding and fundraising o Business management o Organisational development (training, mentoring and skills development) o Sector communications o...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: West Berkshire

Tender Category: Services furnished by social membership organisations

Prevention and Wellbeing services for unpaid carers in Surrey The services in scope provide support, breaks (including End of Life), personal health budgets, emergency planning and engagement. Services will benefit carers of all ages with c for unpaid carers in Surrey The prevention and early intervention services that currently support carers are in place to the end of March 2022. The services in scope provide support, breaks (including End of Life), personal health budgets, emergency planning and engagement. Services will benefit...

Contract Value: £32,000,000

Buying Organisation: Surrey County Council

Tender Category: Services furnished by social membership organisations

DHSC: ASC: Adult Social Care Support & Improvement Governance and Infrastructure

...Services (DASSs) of which there is no equivalent organisation
Enabling DHSC to understand whats working well and what isnt in the sector and help do something about it, by:
o Facilitating two-way communication between DHSC and LAs
o Advising on live operational challenges to inform...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Department of Health and Social Care

Tender Category: Services furnished by social membership organisations

Victim Support Commissioned Services

...Services in the following lots: Lot 1 General Victim Services Lot 2 Sexual Violence and Abuse (SVA) Service Lot 3 Child Exploitation (CE) Service Lot 4 Independent Modern Slavery Advocacy (IMSA) Service Lot 5 Restorative Justice (RJ) Service Values are indicative & dependent on VAT status...

Contract Value: £3,324,000

Buying Organisation: The Police & Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire

Tender Category: Services furnished by social membership organisations

Commissioning of Victim Support Services on behalf of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire

...Services let by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire (OPCC) are due to expire on 31st March 2023. A Prior Information Notice (PIN) is being published in advance of a full open tender process in order to alert potential suppliers to the...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Warwickshire Police

Tender Category: Services furnished by social membership organisations

Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations

Where Do I Find Services Furnished By Social Membership Organisations Tenders?

We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Services Furnished By Social Membership Organisations Tenders:

  • North Northamptonshire Council
  • Westminster City Council
  • Warwickshire Police
  • The Police & Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire
  • DHSC
  • Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
  • West Berkshire
  • Surrey County Council
  • Department of Health and Social Care

How Do I Bid for Services Furnished By Social Membership Organisations Tenders?

The UK tender bidding process has been greatly simplified - especially for SMEs. Join us and your account includes the latest guides, articles, and white papers on best practise for bidding, and proven tips to improve win rates. The UK tender bidding process has been greatly simplified - especially for SMEs. Join us and your account includes the latest guides, tips, and white papers on best practise for creating successful bids for Services Furnished By Social Membership Organisations Tenders.


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