UK Sewage Disposal Services Tenders

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Latest Sewage Disposal Services Tenders

Waste Water Removal and Jetting Services

Braintree District Council (BDC) is looking for a Contractor to provide ad hoc and routine waste water removal and jetting services on its interceptor tanks and associated drainage system at various locations within the district, primarily at its two operational sites, Cordons Farm Waste Transfer...

Contract Value: £362,000

Buying Organisation: Braintree District Council

Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

INS301-04 Review the Application of Environmental Assessments in the Management of Nutrients in NI

3.1 To carry out a review of the application of environmental assessments in the management of nutrient inputs to the environment in Northern Ireland. 3.2 This objective will be achieved through review and critical appraisal of the following areas, as described further in Section 5: a. Evaluate the...

Contract Value: £75,000 to £100,000

Buying Organisation: Office for Environmental Protection

Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

Waste Management (Grit, Screening and Iron Sludge)

...disposal via landfill which are available within the market. Lot 1: The Waste Management partner is required to provide skips or containers to collect the Grit as it is output from the waste recycling process. Following this, the Waste Management partner provides haulage services to transport...

Contract Value: £8,600,000


Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

Recycling / Recovery of Street Sweeping and Gully Waste Disposal Contract

...Disposal Contract - procured under decision reference EE19 0052. Option to extend for a further 1 x 24 month period.

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: EU SUPPLY LIMITED

Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

Enjoy valuable new tenders every week

Recycling / Recovery of Street Sweeping and Gully Waste Disposal Contract

...Disposal Contract - procured under decision reference EE19 0052. Option to extend for a further 1 x 24 month period at the sole discretion of the Council.

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: City of Doncaster Council

Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

Sewerage Services & Remedial Works

...sewage removal services, sewerage-related services and associated remedial works required for the delivery and operation of its Property Maintenance, Highways and Flood Defence assets. The requirements include: - Prescribed and cyclical tankering service for sewage removal from treatment works, septic tanks and pumping stations, including emptying,...

Contract Value: £1,600,000

Buying Organisation: Carmarthenshire County Council

Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

GB-Brentwood: Sewage Treatment Plant Emptying and Maintenance

...sewage treatment plants, at: Snakes Hill, Navestockside CM14 5SA, and Church Road, Navestock, RM14 1HB

Contract Value: £50,000 to £100,000

Buying Organisation: Brentwood Borough Council

Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

The Provision of Business Retail Services for the Disposal of Trade Effluent

...Disposal of Trade Effluent

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Sheffield City Council

Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

Sewage Treatment & Pumps Framework

...Sewage Treatment & Pumps Framework for use by Hyde Housing Association and any other UK public sector body, including any future successors to these organisations. (A full list of potential contracting authorities who may use the framework can be found here under the most recent file:...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Hyde Housing Association Ltd

Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

Sewage Treatment & Pumps Framework

...Sewage Treatment & Pumps Framework for use by Hyde Housing Association and any UK public sector body. To include any future successors to these organisations. (A full list of potential contracting authorities who may use the framework can be found here under the most recent file:...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Hyde Housing Association Ltd

Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

GB-Nottingham: AP2221 - Sewage and Waste Services RSM Framework 2023-27

...sewage and waste RSM services across various locations within the Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, South Yorkshire and Leicestershire areas. The NEC4 Framework Contract will be used to assist the Client in conducting their sewage and waste equipment repairs, servicing and maintenance(RSM) works. An NEC4 Term Service Short Contract...

Contract Value: £500,000 to £1,000,000

Buying Organisation: Scape Group Limited

Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

PRN2356 Drain Cleaning Sub Contractor

Choice Housing Ireland Ltd on behalf of Choice Services wishes to invite tenders from suitably experienced and qualified Service Providers for the provision of Drain Cleaning Services as set out in the ITT...

Contract Value: £157,000

Buying Organisation: Choice Housing

Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

Waste Disposal Services

...Disposal Services. The Framework Agreement period will be for 4 years (1+1+1+1) with an anticipated expenditure of £9.6m over this period, although no actual expenditure is guaranteed by the Corserv Group of companies. The majority of waste disposal requirements will be directly called off from the...

Contract Value: £9,500,000

Buying Organisation: Corserv Limited

Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

Waste Disposal Services

...Disposal Services. The Framework Agreement period will be for 4 years (1+1+1+1) with an anticipated expenditure of £9.6m over this period, although no actual expenditure is guaranteed by the Corserv Group of companies. The majority of waste disposal requirements will be directly called off from the...

Contract Value: £9,500,000

Buying Organisation: Corserv Limited

Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

Washroom Services Tender

Washroom services further competition under the Espo Framework...

Contract Value: £750,000


Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

GB-Braintree: Provision of Tanker Waste Water Removal and Jetting services

Braintree District Council (BDC) are looking for a contractor to provide ad hoc and routine tanker waste water removal and jetting services on its interceptor tanks, and associated drainage...

Contract Value: £43,168

Buying Organisation: Braintree District Council

Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

GB-Braintree: Provision of Tanker Waste Water Removal and Jetting services

NOTE: This notice was updated on 04 February 2022 for the following reason: Contract Term has changed from 4 years to 2 years so contract value and Period of Work End date have been amended.(Braintree District Council (BDC) are looking for a contractor to provide ad hoc and routine tanker waste...

Contract Value: £50,000 to £100,000

Buying Organisation: Braintree District Council

Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

Strategic Waste Management

...disposal of digested sewage sludge cake (Biosolids) is included. Elements of the services are required 24 hours, 7 days a week. Southern Water has sites across Sussex, Hampshire, Kent and the Isle of Wight. Note, the exact lots are TBC

Contract Value: £640,000,000

Buying Organisation: Southern Water Services Ltd.

Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

Sewage Treatment Plant Maintenance Services - Market Engagement Survey

...Sewage Treatment Plant Maintenance services across Hampshire, Wiltshire, Somerset, Dorset, Devon and Cornwall. Aster would like to invite interested companies to complete and submit the Market Engagement Survey via the following link: deadline to complete the Market Engagement Survey is 12 noon, Friday 26th January...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: Aster Group Limited

Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

Sludge Treatment Services

United Utilities Water Ltd (UU) produces over 200,000 dry tonnes (tDS) of wastewater derived sludge per annum. Due to sludge growth and reconfiguration of our asset base we have a need for sludge treatment services in the North of our region. We have previously issued PINs and conducted market...

Contract Value: Unknown

Buying Organisation: United Utilities Water Limited

Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

Sewerage Services & Remedial Works

...sewage removal services, sewerage-related services and associated remedial works required for the delivery and operation of its Property Maintenance, Highways and Flood Defence assets. The requirements include: - Prescribed and cyclical tankering service for sewage removal from treatment works, septic tanks and pumping stations, including emptying,...

Contract Value: £1,627,700

Buying Organisation: Carmarthenshire County Council

Tender Category: Sewage disposal services

Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations

Where Do I Find Sewage Disposal Services Tenders?

We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Sewage Disposal Services Tenders:

  • Braintree District Council
  • Office for Environmental Protection
  • City of Doncaster Council
  • Carmarthenshire County Council
  • Brentwood Borough Council
  • Sheffield City Council
  • Hyde Housing Association Ltd
  • Scape Group Limited
  • Choice Housing
  • Corserv Limited
  • Southern Water Services Ltd.
  • Aster Group Limited
  • United Utilities Water Limited

How Do I Bid for Sewage Disposal Services Tenders?

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