UK Special Education Services Tenders
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Latest Special Education Services Tenders
Children's Specialist Education Framework - Flexible Procurement System (FPS)
...Education Services is part of the continuum of services that support children, young people, and their families. It provides a structured and organised approach that outlines the principles, guidelines, and strategies for providing specialist education provision to children and young people with unique learning needs or...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: City of Doncaster Council
Tender Category: Special education services
Provision of adult skills training and commissioned activities to support individuals to gain the skills needed for life and work, including : progressing towards, entering into and sustaining work; upskilling or retraining in order to advance their...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Tender Category: Special education services
Provision of adult skills training and commissioned activities to support individuals to gain the skills needed for life and work, including : progressing towards, entering into and sustaining work; upskilling or retraining in order to advance their...
Contract Value: £100,000,000
Buying Organisation: West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Tender Category: Special education services
Provision of Disagreement Mediation and Resolution Services
...Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 and the SEN and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years, May 2015, an independent disagreement resolution and mediation service is required for parents/carers (until their child is 18 years of age) and young people (beyond compulsory school...
Contract Value: £480,000
Buying Organisation: Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Tender Category: Special education services
Provision of Disagreement Mediation and Resolution Services
...Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 and the SEN and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years, May 2015, an independent disagreement resolution and mediation service is required for parents/carers (until their child is 18 years of age) and young people (beyond compulsory school...
Contract Value: £480,000
Buying Organisation: Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Tender Category: Special education services
...special educational need or disability (SEND) or are known to Adult Social Care (ASC) as being not in education, employment or training (NEET) and would benefit from additional support in order to access and sustain employment, education or training
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: West Berkshire Council
Tender Category: Special education services
Enjoy valuable new tenders every week
Central London Careers Hub - Alternative Provision Additional Support to all young people. We are looking for a provider to enhance support for special educational needs & disabilities (SEND) students in alternative provision. The delivery period will be spring and summer terms of the 2024/2025 academic year, supporting 14 alternative provision settings. We are...
Contract Value: Unknown
Tender Category: Special education services
NHS England are seeking a provider for MCIPS accreditation (Member of Professional Body - Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply - MCIPS) for 554 learners to enable all staff who are on a Band 8A or above in scope of the funding (NHS providers and NHS England) to be accredited with MCIPS in...
Contract Value: £4,585,211
Buying Organisation: NHS England
Tender Category: Special education services
SCC WT Market Engagement Event for Independent Alternative Provision December 2024 Community based service(s) (for example, equine care) Registered therapy (such as physiotherapy, speech & language or Occupational) Post-16 Support Services & pathways Any interested organisation or consortium with the experience, capability and capacity to deliver Independent Alternative Provision services as laid out in this PIN...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Surrey County Council
Tender Category: Special education services
SpLD (dyslexia/dyspraxia) diagnostic assessments
In respect of the above Leeds Trinity University seeks advice from independent experts/authorities/market participants with a view to developing the scope and specifications needed to plan and conduct its procurement procedures. The primary objective of this consultation is to refresh our...
Contract Value: Unknown
Tender Category: Special education services
ESPH AB HBC Accommodate and Connect - Immediate accommodation of rough sleepers (MP063 JB)
Hastings Borough Council, leading and in partnership with Eastbourne, Lewes, Rother, and Wealden Councils, have been successfully awarded the contract for the delivery of a new test and learn project funded by the Centre for Homelessness Impact, Accommodate and Connect. The project aims to remove...
Contract Value: £40,000 to £50,000
Buying Organisation: Hastings Borough Council
Tender Category: Special education services
SEND Short Breaks Activity Programme
The purpose of this service specification is to equip providers with the necessary background knowledge and service details to effectively bid for, and if successful at tender, deliver and performance manage the provision of specialist short breaks for SEND children, young people and their families...
Contract Value: £2,396,000
Buying Organisation: Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Tender Category: Special education services
SEND Short Breaks Activity Programme
The purpose of this service specification is to equip providers with the necessary background knowledge and service details to effectively bid for, and if successful at tender, deliver and performance manage the provision of specialist short breaks for SEND children, young people and their families...
Contract Value: £2,396,000
Buying Organisation: Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Tender Category: Special education services
GB-Birmingham: PS086B - Dyslexia Assesment
The provision of a Dyslexia Assessment...
Contract Value: £200,000
Buying Organisation: Birmingham City University
Tender Category: Special education services
Educational Services Procured Services Arrangement (PSA)
...Education Resources and all SLC schools to contract compliantly with providers who will deliver all forms of educational services. These will include services funded by Pupil Equity Funding, Access to Counsellors Mental Health Funding, Council budgets and other education funding. Please note, all relevant documentation can...
Contract Value: £42,141,617
Buying Organisation: South Lanarkshire Council
Tender Category: Special education services
SENDIASS & SEN Dispute and Mediation Services
Hull City Council (The Authority) is seeking tenders from interested organisations to provide SENDIASS and SEN Disagreement Resolution and Mediation services. The tender is an open procedure consisting of a one stage process. The contract is anticipated to commence 1st April 2025 ending by 31st...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Hull City Council
Tender Category: Special education services
SENDIASS & SEN Dispute and Mediation Services
Hull City Council (The Authority) is seeking tenders from interested organisations to provide SENDIASS and SEN Disagreement Resolution and Mediation services. The tender is an open procedure consisting of a one stage process. The contract is anticipated to commence 1st April 2025 ending by 31st...
Contract Value: £870,000
Buying Organisation: Hull City Council
Tender Category: Special education services
SEND Mediation and Disagreement Resolution Service for the SEMG : Market Engagement Questionnaire
...special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) for children, their parents and young people up to the age of 25. We are inviting providers to respond to the market engagement questionnaire in relation to the scope and future contract arrangements.
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Oxfordshire County Council
Tender Category: Special education services
Trauma Informed Training Tender
Swindon Borough Council Invites expressions of interest from suitable qualified and experienced service providers for the provision of Trauma Informed Training to cover all of the main elements of the trauma informed training. School Settings to be completed by 25th of July 2025 and possible early...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Swindon Borough Council
Tender Category: Special education services
The University is looking to procure the services of suitably qualified and experienced organisations, worked with service providers to provide employability support, placement preparation, matching and in-placement support services to students of the Faculty of Engineering and Science suite of...
Contract Value: £8,000,000
Buying Organisation: University of Greenwich
Tender Category: Special education services
Maths And Numeracy Plan - Professional Learning Offer
This requirement is to appoint a successful bidder to develop a coherent model of learner progressions in maths, aligning to the context of the Curriculum for Wales, the proficiencies and drawing on the evidence produced by the Camau Ir Dyfodol project. This model will help practitioners to...
Contract Value: £325,000
Buying Organisation: Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government, Education, Culture and Welsh Language
Tender Category: Special education services
WCC - Refresh of the Framework for Specialist and Alternative Day Education
...Education (reference 13744) do not need to reapply for this tender opportunity. Warwickshire County Council wishes to commission a multi provider framework for the provision of Specialist and Alternative Education Day Placements. The tender is divided into Lots as follows: Lot 1 - Specialist education for...
Contract Value: Unknown
Buying Organisation: Warwickshire County Council (WCC)
Tender Category: Special education services
Refresh of the framework for the provision of Specialist and Alternative Education Day Placements
...Education Day Placements. The tender is divided into Lots as follows: Lot 1 - Specialist education for learners aged 4 to 25 Lot 2 - Alternative education for learners aged 4 to16 Lot 1 - Specialist Education (primary, secondary and post-16) Substantive education day placements to...
Contract Value: £32,000,000
Buying Organisation: Warwickshire County Council
Tender Category: Special education services
Tenders from over 4000 UK organisations
Where Do I Find Special Education Services Tenders?
We're a licensed tenders publisher - we'll match your products and services with the right tenders. The following organisations have recently issued Special Education Services Tenders:
- City of Doncaster Council
- West Yorkshire Combined Authority
- Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
- West Berkshire Council
- NHS England
- Surrey County Council
- Hastings Borough Council
- Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
- Birmingham City University
- South Lanarkshire Council
- Hull City Council
- Oxfordshire County Council
- Swindon Borough Council
- University of Greenwich
- Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government, Education, Culture and Welsh Language
- Warwickshire County Council (WCC)
- Warwickshire County Council
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