Tender Summary

Supply of Timber Adhesives for the Conservation of HMS Victory

Buying Organisation

NMRN Operations

Contract Value


Tender Description

The aim of the HMS Victory Conservation Project is to deliver a fully-conserved ship, in a condition to survive for the next 50 years without major work beyond a programme of planned maintenance. This project began in summer 2022 and is to take 10 years to complete.
The conservation work includes the replacement of all external and some internal planking and structural elements. The timber to be used in the ship is a mixture of teak and oak which will need to be laminated to meet required dimensions.
The National Museum is therefore seeking a supplier for the next 5 years to provide timber adhesives for teak frame repairs and oak plank lamination. To ensure the project meets its objectives, the National Museum has undertaken rigorous and extensive materials trials to determine the most suitable timber adhesives which are detailed below under requirements.
All tender documentation can be found here;

Tender categories (products & services required)

Adhesives (CPV 24911200)
Glues (CPV 24910000)


South East (UKJ)

Buyer Information

NMRN Operations

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