Tender Summary

Tender for Flying Lessons Provider for Aerospace Engineering Students

Buying Organisation

Swansea University

Contract Value


Tender Description

As part of the modular curriculum for Swansea Universitys MEng (Hons) and BEng (Hons) Aerospace Engineering degrees (both accredited by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), and the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS)), Level 4 undergraduates are required to undertake 1 light aircraft flying lesson of 30 minutes, covering basic handling of the aircraft and air experience, as part of their first year of studies.
This amounts to approximately 267 students per academic year, experiencing one lesson each, spread across the 3 academic terms (October to June).
Since no lessons were undertaken during the past academic year, there is a backlog of an additional 267 students also needing lessons during this coming 2023/24 academic year and the first year of this contract.
The Aerospace Engineering department within the Universitys Faculty of Science and Engineering is therefore seeking a suitably qualified, insured and equipped flying centre with the appropriate staff, aircraft, equipment and facilities in place with the capacity to service our requirements and deliver lessons to this number of students.
The contract duration will be for an initial 2 academic years as from October/November 2023, with the option to extend for a 3rd and a 4th year. This is on the basis that student numbers for the 1st academic year shall be near double that of subsequent years, due to the need to clear the 2022/23 backlog (so potentially 2 x 267 students).
The University is unable to provide insurance for the students to undertake these lessons, therefore it is essential that both the instructor and aircraft are fully insured, not only in line with Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) regulations but also for the University students to fly safely in confidence. A reliable route of communication is key due to changes in weather and its impact on flying conditions so booking and administration processes are important in ensuring a high level of efficiency and customer care from the appointed contractor.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Flying-school services (CPV 80412000)


Wales (UKL)

Buyer Information

Swansea University

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