Tender Summary

Asbestos Innovation Partnership Phase 1

Buying Organisation

Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

Contract Value

£4,000,000 to £80,000,000

Tender Description

The NDA is looking for the supply chain to develop an innovative solution that converts
asbestos and asbestos-containing materials (ACM), that are currently considered as wastes with
significant chemo-toxic properties, into an inert product that can be re-used. The requirement is to
primarily treat radiologically-contaminated Asbestos / ACM up to, and including that classified as,
Intermediate Level Waste. The scope includes highly friable material. It is expected that the technology
developed will also be applicable to non-radiologically contaminated asbestos / ACM and this may prevent
significant quantities having to be sent to licenced hazardous landfills.
Although primarily aimed at NDA estate wastes, the service may be accessible to non-NDA estate
organisations in the UK Nuclear Industry.

Whilst this is advertised as a services contract, Goods and works will apply.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Radioactive-, toxic-, medical- and hazardous waste services (CPV 90520000)
Project-design services other than for construction work (CPV 79421200)
Specialty design services (CPV 79930000)
Decommissioning services (CPV 98391000)
Research and development services and related consultancy services (CPV 73000000)
Waste analysis services (CPV 79723000)
Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis (CPV 71241000)
Design and execution of research and development (CPV 73300000)


United Kingdom (UK)

Buyer Information

Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

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