Tender Summary

Celtic Sea Floating Offshore Wind - Industry Delivery Plans (O&M)

Buying Organisation


Contract Value

£30,000 to £36,000

Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

The main objective of this commissioned work is to enable private sector collaborative activity which has the potential to develop into technically credible and investible propositions capable of addressing key industrial scale O&M challenges in the Celtic Sea. The development of a "coalition of the willing".
The principal aims of this element of the project are to:
Catalyse an increase in private sector capacity in key areas where there is significant opportunity. Such as through: Partnerships and Consortiums. Inward investment. De-risking intervention
Provide focus on key market segments that are likely to provide the most relevant opportunities for deriving positive impacts for Cornwall, the wider region and the UK.
Address the need to increase private sector capacity to achieve the sufficient scale required to maximise opportunities.
This procurement (which is one of a series expected to be released at regular intervals over the next six months) is intended to play its part in meeting these aims.
For further information, please download the Invitation to Tender and associated documents. You may also wish to visit https://piranha-hub.com/opportunity/3 for background information.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Offshore services (CPV 76520000)


North East (UKC)

Buyer Information


  Further information on this tender from CELTIC SEA POWER LIMITED when you create a FREE Account

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