Tender Summary

Soft Market Test - Domestic Abuse Community Based Support

Buying Organisation

Sheffield City Council

Contract Value


Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

People who perpetrate domestic abuse cause emotional and physical harm to victims / survivors and their children which can be long lasting and serious. Our vision is for a service that offers choices to victims/survivors and increases their safety and that of their families. This service will be informed by, and responsive to, the needs of survivors: face to face, non-judgemental and emotionally based. The support will be provided by workers who are caring and who build relationships based on trust and rapport. Additionally, the service will promote the therapeutic benefit of shared experience and peer support. 2. The contract will include: a domestic abuse helpline, one to one support, structured group recovery programmes, a Sanctuary Scheme (target hardening to support people remaining in their own homes), administration of the Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference process, informal support options (coffee mornings etc.), buddying scheme, guided self help resources and training for the Sheffield workforce.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Health and social work services (CPV 85000000)


Yorkshire and the Humber (UKE)

Buyer Information

Sheffield City Council

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