Tender Summary

LSL/DC/0178 - The Supply of Combats Garments RAF & MTP FR

Buying Organisation

Leidos Supply

Contract Value

£2,182,557 to £8,730,230

Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

Team Leidos are proud to be delivering the logistics commodities and services transformation (LCS(T)) Delivery partner contracts (LCS (T)/0001 dated 16.4.2015) on behalf of the UK Ministry of Defence (the 'Prime Contract'). Delivery of other parts of the LCS(T) contract are delivered by Leidos Europe Ltd (LEL) and other partners (together 'Team Leidos'). This requirement is subject to the Public Procurement Regulations and respective advertising action.

The Defence Clothing Team, which forms part of Leidos Supply Ltd is considering the potential requirement for the supply of Combats Garments RAF & MTP FR on behalf of the UK MOD.

The total estimated value for this contract will be between £2,182,557 - £8,730,230, with a total contract length of 3 Years.

If this is of further interest, please register on our eProcurement system, Jaggaer:

Bidders will be able to register on the system, and once registered they can express their interest and complete their bid on there. Should Bidders have any queries regarding the system, please contact the support team on the front page of the Jaggaer website, where it says 'Need assistance?', for help. Any queries regarding the tender itself, as opposed to the system, should be directed through Jaggaer's messaging centre.

In order to receive the Multi Terrain Pattern (MTP) Technical Data Pack (TDP), bidders will need to download, complete and return both the Intellectual Property Rights Control of Material - (MTP) Agreement and the Contractor Tender Confidentiality Agreement. These documents can be found in the tender documentation pack on Jaggaer. Team Leidos has requested these documents to be returned, completed, by no later than 16th June 2023 so as to mitigate against potential delays. Following submission of these completed documents by bidders, they will be sent to the MoD for counter signature, upon return of the signed documents from MoD bidders will be sent the MTP TDP. We anticipate the documents to be returned from MoD within one working week, please allow time for this when considering a bid. If bidders require a sample of the Multi Terrain Pattern, the Pattern Loan form should also be completed and returned through Jaggaer in addition to the above documentation.

Please note: There may be a need to add a requirement for faster lead times as an additional line on the Schedule Of Requirement, this may occur through life of the tender but more likely following the contract award.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Coveralls (CPV 18114000)
Jackets and blazers (CPV 18223000)
Trousers (CPV 18234000)
Shirts (CPV 18332000)
Combat uniforms (CPV 35812000)


United Kingdom (UK)

Buyer Information

Leidos Supply

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