Tender Summary

ID 4632506 - PSNI - Supply and Delivery of Shooting Targets and Ancillary Items

Buying Organisation

PSNI - Police Service of Northern Ireland

Contract Value


Tender Description

The Police Service of Northern Ireland has a responsibility to protect life, preserve order, prevent crime, and secure justice as set out in Section 32 of the Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000. This will involve the deployment of officers who have an obligation to protect into a high threat environment. Officers may face the threat of a criminal use of firearms or explosives. In order to meet the obligations of the Police Service, officers must also be trained in a realistic manner. This will include the use of targets for various scenarios when firearms training on indoor and outdoor weapon ranges.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Targets for shooting practice (CPV 35210000)


Northern Ireland (UKN)

Buyer Information

PSNI - Police Service of Northern Ireland

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