Tender Summary

READVERTISED - Feasibility Study on the Introduction of Selective and Additional Licensing Schemes in Preston's Private Rented Sector

Buying Organisation

Preston City Council

Contract Value


Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

A variety of external influences have resulted in the Private Rented Sector (PRS) in Preston exhibiting under investment and a decline in standards. Regulation of the sector by the Council is characterised by an increased demand from tenants experiencing poor living conditions, but with no additional capacity to deal with this increased demand, the Council finds itself needing to explore different approaches.
The Council recognises that warm, safe and decent rented homes are an essential part of its aspirations to make Preston a fairer and more inclusive city.
This tender is to engage a partner to study and produce a report intended to provide a review of the Councils approach to the above issues and identify what options there may be to deal more effectively with the current issues within PRS in Preston, including the option of the introduction of a Selective or Additional Licensing Scheme.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Other services (CPV 98390000)


North East (UKC)

Buyer Information

Preston City Council

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