Tender Summary

SC23237 - KEIFCA Cabin RIB

Buying Organisation

Kent County Council

Contract Value


Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

Kent County Council and Kent and Essex IFCA proceed with procurement and build of a 9.5 - 11m cabin RIB subject to a tendering process.

The size and enclosed protection of a cabin RIB provides an elevated and protected vantage point, enhancing surveillance capabilities over those provided by existing vessels to monitor larger areas of the water and detect potential illegal fishing activities effectively. Whilst the cabin would allow for extended patrols, enabling officers to stay on the water for longer durations, ensuring continuous presence in critical areas.

With a larger fuel capacity than existing KEIFCA RIB's, the vessel would be able cover greater distances, allowing officers to reach remote or offshore areas. Extended operational range would response time to incidents and enables timely intervention in cases of suspected illegal fishing or MPA incursions. The larger size of the cabin RIB would provide a stable platform for boarding operations, ensuring the safety of officers during inspections of fishing vessels. The cabin space could be utilised to process necessary paperwork, store seized items, and carry inspection equipment, streamlining the enforcement process.

The enclosed cabin would protect enforcement officers from adverse weather conditions both in summer and in winter, enabling continuous patrols even during rough seas or inclement weather, ensuring consistent enforcement. The presence of a larger, more visible enforcement vessel would act as a deterrent to illegal activities and the larger RIB's better capabilities would signal a strong commitment to compliance within the District, encouraging compliance among legitimate fishermen and promoting a level playing field within the industry.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation (CPV 34000000)
Construction work (CPV 45000000)


North East (UKC)

Buyer Information

Kent County Council

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