Tender Summary

Drainage Installation on Bob Williamson Park, Hambleton, Lancashire

Buying Organisation

Hambleton Parish Council

Contract Value


Tender Description

To install approximately 4500 meters of land drainage on a public park. The areas to be covered is split into 2, a dog exercise area and a football pitch area. There is a dyke that would be used to direct the excess water from the drainage system. The park must be kept safe at all times. Any waste (including excess soil) should be removed from the park at the end of the contract. As a minimum the area should be left level and any bare soil should be grass seeded. Further information and quotations are to be sent to Hambleton Parish Council at email hambletonpc@yahoo.co.uk.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Recreational, cultural and sporting services (CPV 92000000)


United Kingdom (UK)

Buyer Information

Hambleton Parish Council

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