Tender Summary

Grounds maintenance for Thurcroft Parish Council for 4 years (2024-2028)

Buying Organisation

Thurcroft Parish Council

Contract Value


Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

Thurcroft Parish Council ("the Council") hereby invites tenders for the carrying out of the service of grounds maintenance and pitch marking in the parish including Thurcroft, Laughton Common and the village of Brampton en-le Morthen.

The successful contractor will perform grass cutting on a regular schedule, pitch marking of the football pitches on parish grounds as directed by football fixtures communicated between both parties and general maintenance of trees and shrubs within parish land.

The grass cutting services shall be performed on a regular schedule, weather permitting. The frequency will be 18 cuts per year, every two weeks commencing from the month of March. There is a requirement to strim edges of grassed areas and blowing excess cuttings away from paths. The Council would like a cut and pick up grass waste.

The contractor will perform generally maintenance of the shrubs and trees within parish land between October and March. Ensuring that priority is given to Memorial Gardens before Remembrance Sunday each year.

The Contractor shall perform pitch marking services on each football field on Thurcroft Recreation Ground and Hangsman Lane to the requirements needed by the published fixtures for upcoming football games as agreed by both parties. The Contractor will perform one new marking service and a follow-up remarking on a bi-weekly basis with flexibility incorporated based on the game matches taking place. Any extra pitch markings outside the agreement will be agreed by council.

Sealed tender bids and all related documentation must be returned by 1700 noon Thursday 21 March 2024 to the address and details below;

Gordon Bennett Memorial Hall
Green Arbour Road
South Yorkshire
S66 9DD

Further details about the tender can be obtained through the Parish Clerk, details below;

Thomas Collingham
Clerk to Thurcroft Parish Council

Tender categories (products & services required)

Weed-clearance services (CPV 77312000)
Grounds maintenance services (CPV 77314000)
Sports fields maintenance services (CPV 77320000)
Tree pruning and hedge trimming (CPV 77340000)


United Kingdom (UK)

Buyer Information

Thurcroft Parish Council

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