Tender Summary

Consumer Awareness Campaigns Strategy

Buying Organisation


Contract Value

£200,000 to £400,000

Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

The project will support us to deliver campaigns to build awareness as required over the next 2 years. Initially the Supplier will be required to create an awareness campaign which will explain the online safety regime to the public and affected markets that we regulate. In particular to build understanding that this is not a content takedown approach (as with broadcasting complaints), and to ensure the public understands how it can engage with the regulatory regime. We may also require one campaign focused on engaging with B2B channels, ensuring that the 400,000 or so platforms understand the requirements on them under the regime.

The estimated contract value given is for the full duration of the contract including the maximum possible extensions (if applicable). The estimated annual contract value is therefore £200,000.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Advertising campaign services (CPV 79341400)


London (UKI)

Buyer Information


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