Tender Summary

Funeral Service Provision - Lot 1. York & Lot 2. Scarborough

Buying Organisation

York and Scarborough Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Contract Value


Tender Description

The funeral service provision is for the York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Authority, for a period of 2 years with 2 further optional extensions of 1 year each.

The service provision will be divided into hospital sites (Lots), LOT 1 - York and LOT 2 - Scarborough. The Authority reserves the right to appoint one main Provider or to appoint a single Provider for each Lot.

Providers can bid for either or both lots and are required to provide a bid for each lot they wish to be evaluated for. Each Lot will be evaluated separately and awarded to the Provider offering the most advantageous offer to the Authority.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Funeral and related services (CPV 98370000)


Yorkshire and the Humber (UKE)

Buyer Information

York and Scarborough Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

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