Tender Summary

Hi! Street Fest Videographer

Buying Organisation

Historic England

Contract Value


Tender Description

Historic England is running the UK's largest ever community-led arts and heritage cultural programme. Taking place on more than 60 high streets, it supports the much larger £96m regeneration programme that is revitalising historic high streets across England. The cultural programme is about helping people rediscover pride in their local place, and drive people to high streets.
There are a set of national commissions as part of the cultural programme. Hi! Street Fest is the last of these commissions and acts as a finale to the whole programme. Delivered in partnership with Emergency Exit Arts, Hi! Street Fest will play out on Lowestoft, Gloucester, Gosport, Wigan, Stalybridge, Middlesbrough and Woolwich's high streets across the summer.
The video will be a short documentary piece, around 5 minutes in length, celebrating the commission with a combination of vox pops, interviews, voiceover, and high-quality footage of all the live events.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Film (CPV 44176000)
Entertainment film production (CPV 92111310)
Video films (CPV 32354500)
Motion picture and video services (CPV 92100000)
Advertising film production (CPV 92111210)
Information film production (CPV 92111250)
Motion picture and video production services (CPV 92111000)


United Kingdom (UK)

Buyer Information

Historic England

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