Tender Summary

3955YW Digital Anatomy Teaching Devices

Buying Organisation

University of Sheffield

Contract Value


Tender Description

The University requires large, touch-screen-based, interactive teaching devices that are capable of displaying human anatomy in a digitally-illustrated or digitised format. Students will use them to learn human anatomy by zooming in and out on areas of interest, adding or removing layers of tissue, adding or removing labels, rotating the imagery to their needs, or focusing on specific anatomical structures. These devices will complement a number of other anatomy teaching modalities such as plastic models, plastinated human specimens, ultrasound and surface anatomy, and face-to-face tutorials using large monitors.In total we would require a maximum of 20 devices to be delivered in two batches. The first batch will be delivered in June 2025 and the second in the Summer of 2026.CONTRACT REF : 3955/YW NAME: Digital Anatomy Teaching Devices PERIOD: Delivery between 2025 to 2026DEPARTMENT : Faculty of Health and Faculty of Science LOCATION: The

Tender categories (products & services required)

Medical equipments (CPV 33100000)
Medical software package (CPV 48180000)
Educational software package (CPV 48190000)


Yorkshire and the Humber (UKE)

Buyer Information

University of Sheffield

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