Tender Summary

Children and Young People's Advocacy Service Market Engagement

Buying Organisation

Wakefield Council

Contract Value


Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

The current Contract for the Children and Young People's Advocacy Service has been in place since 1st April 2020 and is now due for re-tender to ensure that the Local Authority continue to execute their statutory duty to provide those vulnerable children and young people with an independent Advocate.
Wakefield Council is looking to ensure that a service is in place that will empower children and young people to represent themselves and support them to put forward their views in person or will provide independent representation of their views if they feel unable to do so. The service must ensure that children and young people are listened to and that they are supported to seek early resolution around any concerns by being provided with independent:- Information, Advice, Advocacy, Representation and Support.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Welfare services for children and young people (CPV 85311300)


Yorkshire and the Humber (UKE)

Buyer Information

Wakefield Council

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