Tender Summary

Customer Relationship Management System for the Leisure Sector

Buying Organisation

West Lancashire Borough Council

Contract Value


Tender Description

West Lancashire Borough Council is seeking interest from suppliers of customer relationship management (CRM) systems for the Leisure Services Department.
WLBC respectfully request bidders to provide an early indication if they are intending to bid for the contract by indicating on the CHEST and emailing ProcurementInstructions@westlancs.gov.uk. Any queries should be sent to the same email at the earliest opportunity.
The current facilities are as follows:
1. Nye Bevan Pool, Skelmersdale
2. Park Pool, Ormskirk
3. Burscough Racquet & Fitness Centre
The facilities are currently operated on behalf of the Council by a leisure management contractor. The Council intends to operate and manage the facilities in-house from 1st October 2023. The Council requires the new CRM system to be implemented and fully functional by that date, including all necessary training and testing.
The Council is also working on a leisure transformation programme and intends build two new leisure facilities in Skelmersdale and Ormksirk. These new facilities will replace the existing facilities in Skelmersdale and Ormskirk. As part of the transformation programme the Council will also refurbish Burscough Racquet & Fitness Centre. With this in mind the CRM system should be portable and capable of being transferred to the new facilities once they are constructed.
The proposed term of the contract is three years with the option of 2 x 2 year extension although this may change.
Interested organisations should be suitably qualified and be able to demonstrate relevant experience in the supply, delivery, database migration, installation, training, commissioning, and ongoing support in a leisure industry leading solution.
The platform should be a vendor or 3rd party hosted solution within the UK that demonstrably meets industry recognised information security and technical requirements.
The minimum overall requirements of the solution should include the following systems:
Class bookings
Court bookings
Block bookings
Courses & swimming lessons
Multisite membership management & administration
Customer online joining, booking & payment portal
Digital customer communication
Access control
Direct debit management
Full suite of reporting modules

Tender categories (products & services required)

Software package and information systems (CPV 48000000)


North West (UKD)

Buyer Information

West Lancashire Borough Council

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