Tender Summary

Development of Knutsford Tourism Strategy

Buying Organisation

Knutsford Town Council

Contract Value


Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). The appointed contractor/supplier will be expected to ensure adherence to all UKSPF guidance.

The primary objective of this work is to develop a Knutsford Tourism Strategy to guide the Town Council and partners on work to develop Knutsford's tourism offer. This should include (as a minimum):

Market research on current perceptions of Knutsford (from non-residents)

SWOT analysis of Knutsford's current tourism offer
Benchmarking Knutsford against similar towns in Cheshire and the wider area

Developing a future vision for Knutsford as a tourist destination with recommendations for immediate, medium- and long-term implementation

Recommendations for tourism offers

Alongside this we wish to provide specific support to key local visitor attractions and develop guidance/advice for them in enhancing their visitor offer. The objective of this is to increase visitor numbers and income for these attractions to support their ongoing sustainability. This could be an annex to the Tourism Strategy or specific guidance documents for the attractions. This guidance would include specific SWOT/gap analysis of each attraction and development of recommendations. As a minimum this will involve a visit to the attraction and a meeting with the manager/coordinator.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Administrative services related to tourism affairs (CPV 75125000)
General management consultancy services (CPV 79411000)
Marketing management consultancy services (CPV 79413000)


United Kingdom (UK)

Buyer Information

Knutsford Town Council

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