Tender Summary

Shapwick Heath Peat Restoration Phase 2

Buying Organisation

NATURAL ENGLAND (Defra Network eTendering Portal)

Contract Value


Tender Description

This project will deliver habitat improvement across Natural Englands Shapwick Heath National Nature Reserve (NNR) site through a number of activities. The main aim is to repair and restore the peat hydrology to maintain peat water levels at a height suitable to achieve active peat growth.
The main activities to achieve this are:
Removal of trees and scrub from the site to reduce evapotranspiration water loss.
Manage the tussocky vegetation across the site.
Restrict water loss in all man-made drains across the site to reduce surface and sub-surface water loss from the peat resource.
Restrict water loss across areas of slope to reduce surface and sub-surface water loss from the peat resource.
Manage water flows across the site using weirs and dams

Tender categories (products & services required)

Environmental improvement works (CPV 45262640)


United Kingdom (UK)

Buyer Information

NATURAL ENGLAND (Defra Network eTendering Portal)

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