Tender Summary

ID 4573120 - NIPS Supply, Delivery and Refurbishment of Cell Snatch Rescue Equipment

Buying Organisation

The Northern Ireland Prison Service

Contract Value


Tender Description

The Northern Ireland Prison Service (NIPS) is an Executive Agency of the Department of Justice NI (DOJNI) and is responsible for the management of His Majestys Prisons in Northern Ireland. The Prison Service operates under the control of the Department of Justice for Northern Ireland. It is governed by the Prison Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 and the Young Offenders Rules (Northern Ireland) 1995. NIPS wish to appoint a contractor for the supply, delivery and refurbishment of Cell Snatch Rescue Equipment (CSRE). NIPS require Cell Snatch Rescue Equipment (CSRE) smoke hoods-type equipment to be deployed on prison landings to provide breathable oxygen for prison officers, which enables them to safely deal with cell fire incidents. These sets were rolled out in 2009 and their use is now mandatory to enable officers to protect their own health and safety and that of affected prisoners under the duty of care that we provide for them. Cell fire incidents with the safe removal of the prisoner from cell is planned for less than 20 minutes. NIPS require the Contractor to refurbish sets, post-incident, and revalidate them, in line with certification requirements. The contract will be for a period of five (5) years.

Tender categories (products & services required)

Firefighting, rescue and safety equipment (CPV 35110000)
Firefighting equipment (CPV 35111000)
Breathing apparatus for firefighting (CPV 35111100)
Fire escape equipment (CPV 35111400)
Firefighting materials (CPV 35111200)


Northern Ireland (UKN)

Buyer Information

The Northern Ireland Prison Service

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