Tender Summary

RFQ For the Provision to Review the Services Delivered by the In-house Neighbourhood Environmental Team

Buying Organisation


Contract Value


Suitable for SMEs


Suitable for VCSEs


Tender Description

The RBH Neighbourhood Environmental Service is one of our most important functions as a landlord and we aim to deliver the service to a high standard that meets the needs of our customers. We employ a number of colleagues to undertake necessary works across our estates, these include, but are not limited to:

- Domestic Grounds Maintenance - to bungalows and Empty Homes gardens.
- Communal Grounds Maintenance - Including summer & winter works.
- Tree Inspections and overseeing of works.
- Caretaking Duties including graffiti removal, fly-tipping removal, cleaning of general needs blocks & emptying of bin chutes.
- Playground works including overseeing the inspection contract.
- Cleaning to Independent Living Schemes.
- Pest Control - raising and invoice processing of works to our allocated Contractors.

The service is undertaken from a centrally leased Depot which stores our vehicles and all required equipment.
As costs have increased over recent years and the demand for the service increases, we want to review the scope of the work undertaken by the team to ensure that the service is fit for future demands.
The review will also help to shape the future objectives for the service.

Tender categories (products & services required)

General management consultancy services (CPV 79411000)


North West (UKD)

Buyer Information


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